2old2play Appreciation


Shared on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 11:11
Last night was 2old2play appreciation night for me.  I played a little "Cars" since it has to go back today, and then decided to play one round of RB6:V Sharpshooter so I could unlock the next rank.  It was a mistake (or a blessing, depending on how you look at it).

When the game began I quickly realized I was in a land where non-stop profanity ran like water, with the occasional racist comment thrown in to spice things up.  I actually turned the volume down on my headset it got so bad.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude and if you look at my last posts, in my current and previous jobs I have been no stranger to profanity.  But at what point does it move from the expletive to  punctuation?  I mean, punctuation like dropping F-bombs and others like they were commas.  It was amazing. Of course this was all part of a "stream of consiousness" this particular member decided we needed to be part of.

When the round ended I had a new appreciation for all you folks here at 2old2play.  Thank you for the site!

I probably won't be online for about a week.  I have to go out of town the next few days and my parents are coming out for my 5 year old's birthday, so entertaining (and keeping my wife sane) will be taking up my time.

Looking forward to seeing you all online!


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