Buffalos and monkeys were a match made in heaven.


Shared on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 13:05

Mass chaos I drop beats like acorns from oak trees

I spill blood on the floor from my vamps

I brandish a ménage of banal vanquished fermented ferrets

Freedom ferrets is what we call them here in here the freedom country

Freedom ferrets freedom

Blind are my cummerbunds of frequent frequencies splattered about our airwaves like some Pollack battle of the musically untalented

Disjointed are we oh the woe of the man with three dislocated thumbs

Disdain for this Passover disdain for this hitchhiker this burr in my coat this so called freedom

Wiggles its way into my soul eats through my skin, sinew, muscle, fat and bone

It eats its way to the soft sweet interior slightly salty umami bone marrow BRAIN FLESH


I ain’t your flower bed garden bitch

That is lazy Suzan

I gnaw on the barkless tree teeth on wood it ferrets my freedom it withers my ineptitude for I am AMESOME granted it devolves into jealousy of myself you can’t be this AWESOME without consequences

Dance for me Billy

Dane those little twigs and hop hop hop till you stop because of avascular necrosis it’s your drinking Billy 40 years of drinking their water their ideas Billy they will ferret that freedom right out of you

You won’t even know it when they bounce you to the minors

That’s it Billy back to the garden

Lay down no one will miss yah

Not even a dead wrinkled old festering fermented ferret…unless of course you really like ferrets then its sweet heaven

Just think fluffy clouds

Fluffy clouds

That’s it Helen, fluffy clouds, rest easy garden bitch.


Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 13:39

I heard that in Maynerd T Krebs voice, strangely similar to my little buddy Gilligan's now that i think about it, and I heard...bongo's...

Oldschool 2o4f's picture
Submitted by Oldschool 2o4f on Thu, 04/04/2013 - 07:46

Oh, BTW, why so angry, Beaver?

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