A Little Intro...


Shared on Wed, 01/25/2006 - 11:17
Hey people, what's going on? I figure you've actually come here because either we've played online (hopefully you're looking for revenge) or you're looking to steal my good ideas (if that's the case, those are rare so don't waste your time). Regardless, here's a quick primer for info & possible later ridicule:

MGOBLUE, what the hell kind of name is that?
I went to undergrad @ U of Michigan & even though I got my tag the day LIVE was rolled out (11/15/01), it was the best I could get/come up with.

So what should I call you online?
Simply 'Blue' works, sometimes if blustarNF is in the game I go by 'M', 'M-Go', or 'Go Blue'

Why do you play so much Halo?
My wife is currently in grad school at Duke so I've got plenty of time on my hands. When she graduates, I imagine the Xbox 360 time will shrink plenty.

Do you do anything else besides sit on your ass playing video games?
I play a fair amount of basketball, & play other sports in the Duke intramural leagues. Sometimes we do the hiking/camping thing as well. Of course, the bar always works too...

Any favorite sports teams?
NCAA--Obviously Michigan football & Michigan/Duke basketball
NFL--Denver Broncos
NBA--I'm just a fan in general so I just like watching good matchups though I'd say Bulls
MLB--Fuck baseball...

What are you drinking?
Beer--Sam Adams (various), Guinness, Newcastle, Fuller's ESB, but have also been known to hit the Yuengling or Steel Reserve in a pinch
Bourbon--Have always like Knob Creek but Woodford Reserve is damn good


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