Bank Accounts & Job Hunting


Shared on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 13:51

Yes accounts...not because mine is dwindling and not getting bigger, but because someone stole my credit card info, and started spending money. In January, I got one of those know the ones that say, "Your credit card info could have been compromised, to prevent damage, we're sending you a new one." Ok fine...I even got a phone call from my branch telling me when the old card would be canceled. Would you worry about it from that point on?

Me got to check my account yesterday...I haven't been spending any money, but I wanted to check and make sure before I went and got my hair cut...there were all these little $1-$7 charges from obscure places. So, I go to my bank...after a little research, they find out my old credit card had not been canceled when it should have. Compromise indeed. Got that all taken care of...good thing banks give you back money someone took by fraud. :)


Job Hunting

SUCKS! For a lot of reasons...of course one of them is that you feel inadequate because you HAVE to look for a job. But mostly....well here is my list:

  • Typing the same thing over and over again!
  • Websites that time out and you lose info you already typed
  • Applications that ask for the same info that's on your resume...which they ask for too.
  • Feeling adequate enough to apply for "such & such" position
  • Trying not to think about what I could have done better...think of the solution, not the problem, Chivaun!
  • Worrying about application after it's been sent...sending a prayer with it hoping it will flash in NEON when someone in HR zooms past it
  • Hoping you've looked everywhere humanly possible...yes, even Craig's List!


I'm sure there are more things...but that's the gist of how I feel every morning I get up and start the search over again. :)

Wish me luck!



madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 14:40
You've been prawling the "services" on Craig's List...admit it! ;) :) :)
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 15:01
ROFLMAO! Well...I need something to occupy my time... :D There were actually some good job leads on CL.. :P
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 19:07
Good luck! Job hunting is a pain as I well know. Did your previous client/friend have anyone who could now use your services? Maybe someone who knew how good you were to her? Hope you find something before your bank account really does become a concern.

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