Robert Englund/Kane Hodder interview BTS


Shared on Tue, 11/01/2011 - 08:19


In case you missed it yesterday, here is Waterborn's interview with Robert Englund and Kane Hodder. Wednesday night of last week, I received an email from Warner Brothers, who owns the rights to all the Nightmare on Elm Street films and most of the Friday the 13th series. Because of my previous copyright experience with them, I had sent a formal request to license some material (about 20 seconds in all) to use in my intro. They responded that they do not wish to license any of their footage for our little project.

I needed to come up with Plan B, and very quickly. One of my closest friends is more of a horror movie fan than anyone else I know and spends his free time building replicas of horror movie props. He has five Jason hockey masks, three or four Freddy gloves, three Michael Meyers masks, and countless costumes and busts from Hellraiser, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and other films. Friday night after work I went to his house with my camera and we played with his props for an hour and a half.

The intro to our interview includes the best 20 seconds out of the six minutes of footage. Overall, despite our copyright speedbump, I'm very satisfied with what I was able to come up with in an hour and a half.

One other entertaining note - the video over the end credits includes us getting our photos with Robert and Kane. At first Waterborn hit the wrong button on my phone (ironically, an hour earlier we were talking about camera phones and their quirks), and you can hear Robert yell "Techno weenie!" loud enough for the microphone to pick him up six feet away.

Kane is in the process of shooting a web series about festivals like Rock and Shock, and his camera guy also shot our interview. I haven't received any details yet, but we might be seeing 2old2play on an official Kane Hodder website in the future. Here is one picture of Kane and Robert while Kane's guy was setting up, moments before we started shooting:

Really interesting tidbit about Kane - he wears gloves to these events so that he doesn't accidentally leave fingerprints or smudge the photos he signs for fans.

Also, there aren't a whole lot of views yet for the William Forsythe interview. Mr. Forsythe was also a real stand-up guy and an absolute pleasure to speak with, and in case you missed it here's his interview:



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