Argh! Women!


Shared on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 11:15
yea, I know Im one too, but somedays, I wish I wasnt. Ive been posting on bulletin boards for almost 3 years. well over three years but there was a year gap. But almost three years successively. All my other boards are "mommy boards." The type where all that is spoken about is babies, kids, pregnancy and bodily fluids. They have been a great help to me. Ask me anything about pregnancy and I can probably tell you the answer. I can tell you the exact definition of a 4th degree tear (dont ask), the difference between IUI and IVI, and IVF, the benifits to not having an epidural, episiotomy, or laboring in lithotomy (and even what lithotomy is) , and what the symptoms of pre eclampsia are even though I have never experianced it first hand.

Ive really enjoyed 2old2play, because even though its nice to talk to other women about such things and enjoy the comradery of motherhood, women seem to thrive on drama, and drama gets OLD. Sure we have a little drama here. Someone starts a political thread, things get a bit heated, but trust me, its NOTHING compared to what happens when you get 100+ hormonal women together. So what that they said your baby is ugly, why are you feeling so violated, I remember you calling her husband lazy just last month. You are all evil, caniving, backstabbing, bitches. Embrace it and get over it! Women are snarky* understand that and you will live a much happier life.

The main board I post on is a sub-board of an offshoot board. (catch that?) well apparently there was an off shoot of that board that had 13 ladies on it. (out of the 100+ plus of the other board) Those ladies were all good friends and occasionally they would say snarky comments about ladys on the big board. I know for a fact that they made fun of the fact I have the spelling skills of a 6 year old. (yeah so, its the truth) Well, apparently the small board got hacked into by people on the big board and ALL STINKING DAY there has been drama. Hundereds of IMs have been sent, countless emails. Women have cried, people have been booted from boards, snarky comments have gone though the telephone game and blown out of proportion. Why cant women just go up to each other and say

"hey suzy"

"yes Molly"

"Why did you say my kid was a freak"

"because you coddle her and she is a freak"

Then have some slaps exchanged, maybe a little cat fighting, and then go back to being friends like men do. But no, Callie, Edith, Mary Beth, Jane doe, and Marcis neighbor down the street all have to be dragged into it. And then the telephone game gets started and the "she said, she said"s run rampant. This is an ever repeating cycle. I have seen it time and time again. Diffrent players, same game.
So thank you 2old2play. Thank you for being a sausage fest. For the women on the site. Thanks for reminding me that there are sane women out there.


DIE75's picture
Submitted by DIE75 on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 08:51
Sane women?!?! Never heard of them. ;) J/KIts nice to hear that from a woman since some of what youve said Ive always suspected but would never utter for fear of castration...
Avril's picture
Submitted by Avril on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 15:34
Sadly, you speak the truth Red.  I work with only women its nice to come home to my husband and get to play with all the great people on 2o2p, guys mostly, and the ladies like you, too.
Castlemonster's picture
Submitted by Castlemonster on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 22:06
This is why Im glad I stand up to pee!  That and the whole puttin makeup on thing.  Sorry for the tough luck Red... go frag somebody!  OMM still loves you!
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Sun, 03/26/2006 - 19:25
Sounds a bit like Soccer moms invaded the internet, lets brag about how great our kids are, then gossip about each others parenting untill it all blows up big!  good times :)
ScottyATC's picture
Submitted by ScottyATC on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 10:18
I like women.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 12:28
Ive noticed over the years that the worst sexist comments about women have come from women. Of course that is probably because if a man said them, he would be castrated! I have had many lady friends (not girl friends with what that connotes) because of my attitude toward them and attempt to treat them as fellow humans, not girls or targets for hitting on. Many have said that they would prefer to work in a male/female environment over women only because of the things you mentioned. I am glad that 2o2p gives you some outlet for your frustration. If all else fails, at least you go out and frag someone!!!

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