The Bull Pen #5


Shared on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 11:53
Where should I begin this edition of the Bull Pen? I could talk about my successes last night in Halo, including a Rampage in a game of Pimp My Hog thanks to judicious use of the tank. I could ramble on about how I need to conduct a driving test sometimes before I let somebody drive me around in a Gauss Warthog (just drive well, I’ll take care of the rest). Instead, I would like to discuss something that I have experienced recently in a custom party. 

The issue that arose was a complaint about starting parameters in a custom game. I’ll refrain from using names but the complaint was about starting Burial Mounds in a slayer game with SMG’s. The starting weapon was changed to Battle Rifles and the game was played out. At the end of the game, a few people dropped out quickly and someone in the party spoke out about those who had complained in the first place; basically, this person (Mr. X) was saying that they should go start their own party and let the party leader handle things the way they want to. As I left the party after that game (my effectiveness as a Halo player was gone for the night), I thought about Mr. X’s comments, irregardless of whether or not he was being serious, and approached them from my standpoint. On one hand, I agree that the party leader should have the freedom of what he wants to do. The person has his reasons for being the party leader whether it is random luck or someone decided that they would be a good party leader. On the other hand though, I have to believe that being a good party leader also involves listening to the members of the party. It is a lot easier to tell someone to hit the road and make their own party than to try and include them in the game choice process. It is not always easy to leave one party and join up with another one of comparable size (especially now with GRAW sucking people away). We all have different personalities and we like different kinds of games. I know I have been frustrated before by certain party leader’s selections of games and have bit my tongue. The flipside of that is the fact that I rarely get thought of as a next selection for party leader, likely because of my quirky set of games (Room of Doom anyone?). It is a delicate balance to keep the party happy but also ensure that you get to reap the rewards of being the party leader.

By the way, now that you are probably curious, I’ll let you in on the secret of the gametypes I like: SWAT style games, big team battle games with objectives (CTF and assault), Fiesta style team slayer games (especially weakest link), and the always popular Pimp My Hog. 

Custom Game of the Week: Fiesta Grande. I whipped up this after thinking about how I could spice up a typical Fiesta team slayer game. Basically, it is random everything on the map, weapons, vehicles, etc. What makes this a Grande game is that there is a time limit (10 minutes is recommended although 15 minutes could make this a Mucho Grande game) and bonus points are turned on (but not death point loss). The winner is the team with the most points at the end of the 10 minutes. I figured it would be something to add a little style to the game as a player who can collect the more elusive medals is going to add to his team. Depending on the party size, it can be played on virtually every map. Turf worked well with a party of 10-12. I hope that my fellow OMM mates will want to try this game again in the near future. 



MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 14:24
Ill comment and say that I think you are correct in stating that a good party leader both commands and listens, and that SWAT games kick serious ass.  That is all :p
Avril's picture
Submitted by Avril on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 15:31
So what you are saying Bull is that I need driving lessons?? ;) I think its nice to mix up the party leaders, because then you dont end up playing the same things over and over.  Oh yeah, and when Halo is taken too seriously, all the fun is completely sucked out of it for me. 
RagingBull888's picture
Submitted by RagingBull888 on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 15:53
Maybe it is because I feel like I am a good driver but a better gunner that I like to tease about my cohort’s driving skills. A driver and a gunner need to be a team, they need to know what the other one is going to do and plan accordingly. I think you do fine as a driver skeye although containment is the most difficult map for driving. Like anything, just need more time knowing the angles.

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