Sick, sick, and sick...


Shared on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 22:47

That's all this week has been for me.

I went home from work early last Friday being barely able to talk and quite nauseous.  Went to the doc who said I had sinus infection and the crap running down the back of my throat was making me nauseous.

By Monday, the sinuses seemed to be better, but the nausea was still there, if not worse.

I was able to work from home on Tuesday, but was still not feeling right, and come Wedesday, was back to full force almost puking, cold sweats, and feeling very weak and shaky.

Went back to the doctor who felt I picked up a secondary viral infection to match my sinus infection, along with me upping a dose on one of my meds (which I was supposed to do.)

They all just seemed to come to a head at the same time to make life miserable for me for the entire week.

Tuesday was the only day I worked.

I didn't play but 15 minutes of Xbox that entire time and that was the Bulletstorm Demo.  Other then that it's been sleeping and watching TV from the bed or couch.

One of my New Year's resolutions was probably like most people's...  Lose weight.

Well, today is the first day since last Friday that I've been able to feel like eating without having to throw up.  Since last Friday, I've lost 15 lbs.  Yeesh.  Not the best way to lose weight, but I'll take it I guess.


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 09:29
This happens to me all the time Soup. I usually just take and anti-allergy (Claritin), a nasal spray for decongestion, and a antibiotic, for like 7 days. Hope you feel better.
God0fMars's picture
Submitted by God0fMars on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 20:51
Rock on, the Fam and I all have the same thing... I think 90% of the people in Texas have it... Just some support on your new years resolution, Try I did it last year (via my IPhone app) and lost about 55 Lbs just my counting calories... Its a start! Hope you get to feeling better...
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 07:53
You big woosie. Get your ass out of bed. Love ya brother, hope you get to feeling better :)

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