
Shared on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 10:43

My husband just called me at work and said this,

"I think I want to go buy that 3-legged cat."

Context - there's a 3-legged cat at a "Last Hope" shelter in the pet store. Apparently it got in a fight and made it out alive, but sans one leg. Originally Dean tried to talk me into getting that cat and getting rid of our current two cats, to which I said no. Now he calls me and says he wants a third cat.

How does my husband go from wanting NO cats, to wanting 3 cats? WTF, I quit. I don't understand.



XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 10:48
It's either compassion or hunger.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 10:49
divide and conquer
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 10:50
To a man, cats are lame. But a 3 legged cat is awesome.
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 10:51
I thought every guy wanted more pussy at home. :) yes I went there. It's Friday damn it. :p
Crack's picture
Submitted by Crack on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 12:30
Cats are a downward spiral. You just keep hoping you'll find one that's like a dog. I say let the man have his 3 legged friend. He shouldn't have to buy it, tho.
skumbukit's picture
Submitted by skumbukit on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 12:57
Sweet...name it "isosceles" or "Pythagorean"
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 13:17
lol kum dumpster Poor tara i sorry but the three legged cat is a "front" so dean can train it to kick the piss out of the other 2 and have several "unfortunate" accidents. :) Clever my friend Clever~
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 13:55
u f'd him up good job
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 13:55
u f'd him up good job
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 14:54
Nae is probably the closest to correct. The other day Dean said he wouldn't want to let the cats outside because they might get hit by a car....and if that happened, he'd be cheated out of his opportunity to kill them. That's how much he hates them.
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 15:56
Tip # 4: Overly fastidious about his appearance and the home Natural men have a certain amount of grit about them. They sweat and they smell. Homosexuals often abhor this sort of thing and will also be incredibly particular about the cleanliness of the home. Does your man tweeze his eyebrows, trim his pubic hairs or use face moisturizers? Is he picky about brand name shampoos? Does he spend more time getting ready for a night out than you do? Does he want a three legged cat? More of these tips on how to tell if your husband is gay are avaialble at: ChristWire.org Just doing my bit to spread the love of Jesus.
AngryJason's picture
Submitted by AngryJason on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 16:17
Get the cats! Get the cats! A 3-legged cat is awesome. I had one once upon a time.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 09:27
He just wants it so if it falls over, he can joke about it not having a leg to stand on!

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