

Shared on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 10:41

When Im not playing games.

I thought I would show off some of the images Ive created over the past few years. I figured as long as Im still paying off this damn student loan I might as well post some stuff I do .

I call her Ice
Made this one back in 2002



Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 22:03

EDITOR looking for more articles


For those that are inspired to write some editorials, columns, articles, etc. for 2old2play - please email and let us know.

Issue #02 of the 2old2play magazine is now open for new content and articles.  This issue is going to have a focus on Independant gaming.  One of the topics will cover the indy publisher Stardock (  They started with Microsoft Windows "mods" namely "Windows Blinds" and has since moved into publishing


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 19:56

No rest for the Ziggs

The following entry was from my old blog site...a personal favorite of mine

The alarm clock goes off and I jump out of bed. Its 6am on this chilly saturday morning and I forget just what the hell Im doing up this early. I look at the wife and proclaim were late for work, she just glares that look of death in my direction...If youve never experienced that so called "look of death", your one of the lucky few.

"We dont work today..." she growls.


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 16:22

I was contemplating

I was contemplating on wheter or not I should sign up on a site like this...I mean I am 31 but..OLD??!!  I THINK NOT!! 
In comes the wife and her opinions... "yeah honey that way you dont get killed by the 12 year olds all the time....ggggrrrrrr
So there you have it.  Lurking around the site for a bit and decided why the hell not.

So my opinion (like it matters) cool site and Im old so I guess Im here to stay...


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 16:05

Why I hate working helpdesk

So I have been working the help desk for a pretty large, well known company for the past several months and I have come to the realization that I dont like it.  I love the company and everything, but the job itself sucks.  Basically as helpdesk you are a glorified secretary and can sometime solve an issue over the phone.  The rest to take their number and nature of the problem and pass it on.  Which in turn makes it look like you are the one with the issue...  End users bitch at me and so I have to nag at the techs and the analysts and makes me look like the asshole.  "Dont shoot the messenger


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 12:11

Everything Must Go!

Sound like a going out of business sale?  Not quite but close.


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 12:10

First entry....

Sitting at work...wishing I was home playing Oblivion.  Its raining here today...which may mean my softball game tonight will be cancelled..which might mean I will get to play Oblivion tonight more than I was anticipating.  Of course, I may take a break to watch American Idol and House.  Hate to admit it but I am addicted to American Idol, tho I have never bought an album by anyone who has been on there...tho I did purchase a song off iTunes by Kimberly Locke.  The only current contestant that I might buy music of in the future is the rocker, Chris Daughtry (spelling on the name?)...I sho


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 11:53


Where to begin?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....nope,that ones been used before.

As I lay half awake in my bed this morning, it dawns upon me that my hell spawn cat has my hand in his teeth. The pain is only slight at first, that is untill I realize that he is begining to actually rip the flesh, in turn causing me to jump up and smack his furry ass across the room.


Shared on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 11:46

What I do.


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