Console News

New Xbox 360 All But Confirmed

Only a day after the pictures were leaked to Engadget, more concrete information surfaces about the v2.0 Xbox 360.

Crackdown Halo 3 Beta Clarification

Earlier this week, Microsoft announced that there will be two new ways to get into the Halo3 Multiplayer Beta coming Spring of 2007...

New Xbox 360 On The Way?

If Engadget is to believed, it looks like Microsoft has a big announcement for CES...

Xbox 360: Holiday Champion?

Although official NPD figures have not arrived, a few market analysts predict the holiday sales winner...

PS3 Sales Slow In Japan?

The Nintendo Wii is like a scarce animal, the PS3 is available and ready to buy...

ANA: Microsoft’s Ace In The Hole

What is ANA? It’s Microsoft’s ace in the hole, their secret weapon that makes the Xbox 360 graphically look better today than Playstation 3.

Analyst: PS3 To Win The Console War

Analysts at Datamonitor are reporting that by 2010, the PS3 will over take the other consoles with an install base of around 75 million.

Microsoft Wins Out On Holiday Sales

Microsoft had a killer Christmas season, the Xbox 360 outsold both the new Nintnedo Wii and Sony Playstation 3 in the USA.

Xbox Live Crash?

Xbox Live has gone down across all games as of 7:00pm Central Time 12/27/06. So far there is no explanation for the crash.

PS3 Finds No Christmas Rush

A few folks waited hours in the cold for a PS3 find eBay sales low and return them to the store?

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