Ebola2's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 11:33

I'm Back and I'm Proud

So, I'm gaming. Yes, you read that correctly, I've actually gamed TWO DAYS IN A ROW! I'll give you a moment to get up off the floor...


Shared on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 11:33

I'm Back and I'm Proud

So, I'm gaming. Yes, you read that correctly, I've actually gamed TWO DAYS IN A ROW! I'll give you a moment to get up off the floor...


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 05:19

Epiphanies and Articulations

Let me first start off by saying this... It's good to have friends.

We all have friends and if we're lucky we have many. The weird thing with me however, and I suspect I'm not alone, is that we have different levels of friends. We have friends, best friends, long lost friends, acquaintances, friends of friends etc. I have all of those and they all have a special meaning for me.


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 05:19

Epiphanies and Articulations

Let me first start off by saying this... It's good to have friends.

We all have friends and if we're lucky we have many. The weird thing with me however, and I suspect I'm not alone, is that we have different levels of friends. We have friends, best friends, long lost friends, acquaintances, friends of friends etc. I have all of those and they all have a special meaning for me.


Shared on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 11:08

Workin for The Man

OK, first let me say this, I'm no blogger. Why? Because I don't feel that I'm a good writer and I'm a horrible speller (thank god for spell check). But, I'm going to give this a shot anyway as it seems like a good place to vent.


Shared on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 11:08

Workin for The Man

OK, first let me say this, I'm no blogger. Why? Because I don't feel that I'm a good writer and I'm a horrible speller (thank god for spell check). But, I'm going to give this a shot anyway as it seems like a good place to vent.

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