I guess this wasn't what HARDCORE SF fans wanted so tonight they will have another version of Game Night with "pros" from SRK doing the fighting and going over questions and discussions. Here is the quote from 1UP
I guess this wasn't what HARDCORE SF fans wanted so tonight they will have another version of Game Night with "pros" from SRK doing the fighting and going over questions and discussions. Here is the quote from 1UP
Speaking with Eurogamer earlier today, peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz revealed a struggle to meet UK demand for the Street Fighter IVFightStick: Tournament Edition (pictured). Considering the UK is "over there" and we're, well, over here, we wanted to see the situation report for North America.
Speaking with Eurogamer earlier today, peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz revealed a struggle to meet UK demand for the Street Fighter IVFightStick: Tournament Edition (pictured). Considering the UK is "over there" and we're, well, over here, we wanted to see the situation report for North America.