2o2p_Press's blog


Shared on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 16:03


Yep my fellow douche and douchettes, time is clicking away on the calendar and we are just over 2 months away from 2old2con/AwesomeTown/LAN or whatever nickname you want to give to it.


In case you have not been paying attention, the contest is up to vote for the best pic for the plane ticket to the LAN, click on the link below and go vote if you have not already:





Shared on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 16:03


Yep my fellow douche and douchettes, time is clicking away on the calendar and we are just over 2 months away from 2old2con/AwesomeTown/LAN or whatever nickname you want to give to it.


In case you have not been paying attention, the contest is up to vote for the best pic for the plane ticket to the LAN, click on the link below and go vote if you have not already:





Shared on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 07:13

Triton USA to Attend 2old2play Chi-LAN

That's right folks, you heard it here first. Elaine from Triton USA will be at the 2old2play LAN in Chicago from August 7 - 9 to demo their headphones, game with the members of 2old2play and give away some cool swag including a pair of Triton AXPro headphones, the new Triton Backpack and a Zalman FPS Gun Computer Gaming Mouse. Check out these items at the links below.

Triton AXPro Headphones


Triton Gaming Backpack


Shared on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 07:13

Triton USA to Attend 2old2play Chi-LAN

That's right folks, you heard it here first. Elaine from Triton USA will be at the 2old2play LAN in Chicago from August 7 - 9 to demo their headphones, game with the members of 2old2play and give away some cool swag including a pair of Triton AXPro headphones, the new Triton Backpack and a Zalman FPS Gun Computer Gaming Mouse. Check out these items at the links below.

Triton AXPro Headphones


Triton Gaming Backpack


Shared on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 20:28

News / Updates


Here is the latest updates and news from around here at 2Old2Play.

Dastard - www.2old2play.com/Blog/TheDastard  Please go here read and pray for J0lly Rodger and his family. To show your support I am asking if you would end with Spiderman at the end of everything you write.

GoW Tourny - www.2old2play.com/News/2o2p_Gears_of_War_2_Tournament Good luck to all the clans and participants.


Shared on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 20:28

News / Updates


Here is the latest updates and news from around here at 2Old2Play.

Dastard - www.2old2play.com/Blog/TheDastard  Please go here read and pray for J0lly Rodger and his family. To show your support I am asking if you would end with Spiderman at the end of everything you write.

GoW Tourny - www.2old2play.com/News/2o2p_Gears_of_War_2_Tournament Good luck to all the clans and participants.


Shared on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 11:45

Lan 101 info-The Anti-Noob Cake info..

Check out the Lan 101 info thread here.


If you have anything to add to that you can post in the thread, and hopefully I will catch the post and update the earlier post with the new/corrected info.


Or you can PM Lbsutke, and have that giant ass bag update his thread.


86 days and counting to Awsome Town.




Shared on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 11:45

Lan 101 info-The Anti-Noob Cake info..

Check out the Lan 101 info thread here.


If you have anything to add to that you can post in the thread, and hopefully I will catch the post and update the earlier post with the new/corrected info.


Or you can PM Lbsutke, and have that giant ass bag update his thread.


86 days and counting to Awsome Town.




Shared on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 15:15


So here are the updates you might have missed during the week.

Please check out this Blog by MadWomen http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Comments/9628/33712#Commentlist so Gamers unite 

Big thanks to Caesar for giving away free games this week and everyone who participated.

If your looking for something to do in the New England area please check out our Communit Managers Blog an PM him for his address. http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Waterborn


Shared on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 15:15


So here are the updates you might have missed during the week.

Please check out this Blog by MadWomen http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Comments/9628/33712#Commentlist so Gamers unite 

Big thanks to Caesar for giving away free games this week and everyone who participated.

If your looking for something to do in the New England area please check out our Communit Managers Blog an PM him for his address. http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Waterborn

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