TheCrazyPerson's blog


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 21:17


Ok, so Smoke has me hooked on WoW now!

Tonight there is a new download, but he won't load it onto my comp because if he does he can't play. I would do it myself, but I have no fucking clue as to how or where or any of that

I say if I have to suffer he should too!


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 21:17


Ok, so Smoke has me hooked on WoW now!

Tonight there is a new download, but he won't load it onto my comp because if he does he can't play. I would do it myself, but I have no fucking clue as to how or where or any of that

I say if I have to suffer he should too!


Shared on Sun, 12/31/2006 - 16:10

Happy New Years

I hope you all have a great new year, try and drink too I know I will!!!


Shared on Sun, 12/31/2006 - 16:10

Happy New Years

I hope you all have a great new year, try and drink too I know I will!!!


Shared on Sun, 12/24/2006 - 20:48

Happy Holidays to all!


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 01:28

Total Drunk

Total drunk fuckers here!!!  I love this, drunk people trying to type to other people.  I am so damn drunk right now, and I have our friend Paul to thank for this!!  I wishI was on line right now, but Darth is watching a movie so can't!  I would like to say that i luv u guys!  Have a great weeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 01:28

Total Drunk

Total drunk fuckers here!!!  I love this, drunk people trying to type to other people.  I am so damn drunk right now, and I have our friend Paul to thank for this!!  I wishI was on line right now, but Darth is watching a movie so can't!  I would like to say that i luv u guys!  Have a great weeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 07:16

2o2p Mag.

If you haven't read it, you are missing out! A lot of people put their time and energy into this! And it only takes a few mins to download.

I would like to say good job to all of you that have worked so hard on it. Great art work, great stories and everything! I know not enough of us tell you guys what a great job you are doing on it, but you are and we all appreciate it!



Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 07:16

2o2p Mag.

If you haven't read it, you are missing out! A lot of people put their time and energy into this! And it only takes a few mins to download.

I would like to say good job to all of you that have worked so hard on it. Great art work, great stories and everything! I know not enough of us tell you guys what a great job you are doing on it, but you are and we all appreciate it!


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