Gunz-Magilacuty's blog


Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 17:10


Well another week has come and gone. It is almost 4:00 here in FL and I am planning my usual night of drinking and Halo. Been a crazy week OneEvil and I bought a house; I pissed off a couple of customers, and another one in a few minutes, and meet many new customers. This has made me think, most of what made them mad in the first place was not my doing, my co-workers or something my company does caused the problem, but it all comes down to me I am their source of release for their anger. Anyway just needed to get that out.


Shared on Sun, 06/18/2006 - 16:22

Damn its HOT and other things.

So OneEvil and I take the dogs to the groomer today, get in the truck and the outside temp reads 93 degrees. Here in Florida with our 100% humidity it is hot.
My AC is working overtime, anyway just thought I would bitch about the heat being old and all. I played with a lot of you and added a few friends in last week!
It is so refreshing to meet other gamers like me, I hope to keep it up. ;; Well time to go and eat and play a little 360.

Happy Fathers day!



Shared on Sat, 06/03/2006 - 10:13

Lazy Weekend

Well its another lazy weekend here. My job is pretty demanding so this is my time, as long as my customers don’t call me at 9:00 at night!!

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