eboy71's blog


Shared on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 07:36

A confession

I have a confession to make.   I have tried.  Believe, me I have tried.  And I really want to like it.  But regardless of my effort, I just can't.

I don't like Halo.

I heard how great the first Halo was and I rented it for my Xbox.  Meh.
Halo 2 came out with a huge amount of fanfare, so I rented it for my Xbox. Meh.
Halo 3 was the biggest entertainment release of all time, so of course I rented it.  I figured this time I would finally get it, the stars would align, and I'd join the millions of other Halo devotees over there.  No dice.  Meh.


Shared on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 07:36

A confession

I have a confession to make.   I have tried.  Believe, me I have tried.  And I really want to like it.  But regardless of my effort, I just can't.

I don't like Halo.

I heard how great the first Halo was and I rented it for my Xbox.  Meh.
Halo 2 came out with a huge amount of fanfare, so I rented it for my Xbox. Meh.
Halo 3 was the biggest entertainment release of all time, so of course I rented it.  I figured this time I would finally get it, the stars would align, and I'd join the millions of other Halo devotees over there.  No dice.  Meh.

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