stragglerJ's blog


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 10:22


So yesterday was a pretty crappy day... work, the usual stuff... but the real reason i am writting a blog entry was the sweet move i pulled on sony!!  My friend gave me a busted up PSP he bought online that someone gave him with like 20 other games or something... My friend already had a PSP and said that i could have it if i just bought him lunch one day...  The PSP had nothing with it.. no battery no power cable nothing just the PSP and it didnt work... As the PSP was in my desk drawer for months I finally called up Sony and told them i had this busted up PSP and needed to replace it.


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 10:22


So yesterday was a pretty crappy day... work, the usual stuff... but the real reason i am writting a blog entry was the sweet move i pulled on sony!!  My friend gave me a busted up PSP he bought online that someone gave him with like 20 other games or something... My friend already had a PSP and said that i could have it if i just bought him lunch one day...  The PSP had nothing with it.. no battery no power cable nothing just the PSP and it didnt work... As the PSP was in my desk drawer for months I finally called up Sony and told them i had this busted up PSP and needed to replace it.


Shared on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 12:24

Support our Troops....

ok im not one for politics, but regardless what the war may be I still believe in supporting those people who fight everyday for us aka our troops. In saying that John Kerry made a statement the other day that seems to piss off a lot of people... well here is the clip of John Kerry saying it himself.. put I find the picture to be priceless.....


The soldiers in Iraq response to John Kerry....


Shared on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 08:32

First Post..... And Work Still Sucks.....

Received a call last night from my Team Lead for one of the 8,000 projects that I am working on, stating that we needed to be in early to work on more documents and pointless crap for the government. That’s right I am a contractor for the government, and for those of you who don’t know this is how it seems to work... " Hi, I am Mr. government man I do government things." Me, " Hi I am a small tiny contractor that’s working his ass off for a small company trying to make it big " , Government man " I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU, I PEE ON YOUR FACE DRIP DRIP DRIP PISS ON YOU!

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