DeltaT's blog


Shared on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 18:19

Red Tailed Hawk

If you look out my sliding glass doors you'd be about eye level with top of my back yard anyway I was walking down from the pool to the porch when 2 blue jays flew right by my head Followed by this monster  about 4 feet from my face

It was little freaky but uber cool at the same time, living on a mountain is pretty awesome, this thing was huge!!!


Shared on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 13:18

Solving lifes problems

Ok, So I read alot of blogs and play games with alot of people and have a job where I get to interact with alot of different people on a daily basis.

I all I hear is constant complaining, whine about this and that blah blah. Now I understand complaining in general, hell I do my fair share, It makes you feel better to get something off your chest or just to let it out most people just want to be understood, I get it.
Most times this is just worse than it has to be. So I am gonna complain about complaining and why it is so prevalent in society today.


Shared on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 13:18

Solving lifes problems

Ok, So I read alot of blogs and play games with alot of people and have a job where I get to interact with alot of different people on a daily basis.

I all I hear is constant complaining, whine about this and that blah blah. Now I understand complaining in general, hell I do my fair share, It makes you feel better to get something off your chest or just to let it out most people just want to be understood, I get it.
Most times this is just worse than it has to be. So I am gonna complain about complaining and why it is so prevalent in society today.


Shared on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 18:41


So it seems I ruffled a few feathers and came across the wrong way   in this bloge


Shared on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 18:41


So it seems I ruffled a few feathers and came across the wrong way   in this bloge


Shared on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 18:40

My official Halo 3 review

As seen in the super cool, super fun 2old 2shoot forum!




Shared on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 18:40

My official Halo 3 review

As seen in the super cool, super fun 2old 2shoot forum!




Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 17:49

XBOX arrived today

So finally get my Xbox today. I had to wait almost 2 weeks before I could send it in waiting for approval for a BRAND NEW XBOX due to having 4 fail before. After 2weeks, approval was granted and I was promised a brand new one. Well guess what?! I got a piece of shit refurbished console back complete with dirt /dust and visable signs it has been opened up! What a flipping joke. I tryed to call my Service rep and once his extension is put in I get dead air! I,m so pissed!!!! I no he doesnt work today So i will call him tomorow the poor SOB is in for an earfull.


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 17:49

XBOX arrived today

So finally get my Xbox today. I had to wait almost 2 weeks before I could send it in waiting for approval for a BRAND NEW XBOX due to having 4 fail before. After 2weeks, approval was granted and I was promised a brand new one. Well guess what?! I got a piece of shit refurbished console back complete with dirt /dust and visable signs it has been opened up! What a flipping joke. I tryed to call my Service rep and once his extension is put in I get dead air! I,m so pissed!!!! I no he doesnt work today So i will call him tomorow the poor SOB is in for an earfull.


Shared on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 00:06

Squirrely update

So its a nice warm night here SC I have the windows open and playing R6 vegas it froze up on me. so i shut it off and I hear rustling in the bushes. I look out the window and Squirrleys looking back at me. He must of heard me running my mouth on Vegas....So go out side and he moved 3 bushes over and greeted me at the door. So we brought him and gave him capri sun (closest we had to pedi lyte ,he wouldnt drink water) and he is now here. I read they need lots of care and drink every 2 hours..

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