f1shman's blog


Shared on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 11:09

4.1 is coming!

The big news of the day is that Blizzard announced that patch 4.1 will be up on the test realms shortly. Some of the planned changes went through and all looks decent so far with the Paladin and Rogue classes. As I expected, they are nerfing Word of Glory to have a 20 second cooldown. I've only leveled Kelithrian up to level 20 so far and I could already tell that Word of Glory was a bit overpowered. On the rogue side it looks like the developers might finally be giving Rogues a slight stealth advantage over Druids.


Shared on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 11:09

4.1 is coming!

The big news of the day is that Blizzard announced that patch 4.1 will be up on the test realms shortly. Some of the planned changes went through and all looks decent so far with the Paladin and Rogue classes. As I expected, they are nerfing Word of Glory to have a 20 second cooldown. I've only leveled Kelithrian up to level 20 so far and I could already tell that Word of Glory was a bit overpowered. On the rogue side it looks like the developers might finally be giving Rogues a slight stealth advantage over Druids.


Shared on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 18:34

He don't call, he don't write...

What's the matter with that boy? He don't call, he don't write, it's like he dropped of the face of the earth!  I can assure you that I haven't left the planet's gravitational pull yet, but I do recognize the fact that I have let the blog sit untouched for far too long. It's not as if I don't spend enough time behind the keyboard, I just need to reserve a little more time to writing.


Shared on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 18:34

He don't call, he don't write...

What's the matter with that boy? He don't call, he don't write, it's like he dropped of the face of the earth!  I can assure you that I haven't left the planet's gravitational pull yet, but I do recognize the fact that I have let the blog sit untouched for far too long. It's not as if I don't spend enough time behind the keyboard, I just need to reserve a little more time to writing.


Shared on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 10:57

Must... kill... stuff... FASTER!

Ever get bored with a class?

At the moment I have three alliance paladins. While I enjoy having the abilities of a paladin at my disposal, to level up more than one of the three is really going to be a drag. I'm thinking of starting an alt to freshen things up a bit. Preferably an alt that does not have a holy or restoration talent tree available to them (not that there is anything wrong with healing). I guess there just comes a time in a persons life where they need to be able to accomplish kills in a more timely fashion.


Shared on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 10:57

Must... kill... stuff... FASTER!

Ever get bored with a class?

At the moment I have three alliance paladins. While I enjoy having the abilities of a paladin at my disposal, to level up more than one of the three is really going to be a drag. I'm thinking of starting an alt to freshen things up a bit. Preferably an alt that does not have a holy or restoration talent tree available to them (not that there is anything wrong with healing). I guess there just comes a time in a persons life where they need to be able to accomplish kills in a more timely fashion.


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 22:49

Im a happy boy

Two good things happened tonight.


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 22:49

Im a happy boy

Two good things happened tonight.


Shared on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 15:19

I am stunned.

Wow. Blindsided is the best way I can describe it.

While its true I havent been the most active of sorts when it comes to World of Warcraft recently, it seems as though the drama level was kicked up to max of recent. First I see most of the original group that I remember from Helter Skelter has broken off of OSL 101 into a new guild, then the next day I log back in and it looks like OSL is being banned from 2o2p!


Shared on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 15:19

I am stunned.

Wow. Blindsided is the best way I can describe it.

While its true I havent been the most active of sorts when it comes to World of Warcraft recently, it seems as though the drama level was kicked up to max of recent. First I see most of the original group that I remember from Helter Skelter has broken off of OSL 101 into a new guild, then the next day I log back in and it looks like OSL is being banned from 2o2p!

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