jikado's blog


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 05:45

They don't make 'em like they used to.

    A few nights ago, I got caught up watching one of those VH1 specials about the history of metal music. I've been on and 80's kick since then, and reminded me how much I used to like Slaughter (not technically 80's). And Poison. And Skid Row. Warrant, Motley Crue, and, obviously, Metallica, Megadeth and Guns 'n' Roses, etc., etc. Seriously, this is some good music. None of that "Icky Thump" or System of a Down crap. All the more reason for me to love my iPod over conventional over-the-air radio.
    Maybe I'm just getting old.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 05:45

They don't make 'em like they used to.

    A few nights ago, I got caught up watching one of those VH1 specials about the history of metal music. I've been on and 80's kick since then, and reminded me how much I used to like Slaughter (not technically 80's). And Poison. And Skid Row. Warrant, Motley Crue, and, obviously, Metallica, Megadeth and Guns 'n' Roses, etc., etc. Seriously, this is some good music. None of that "Icky Thump" or System of a Down crap. All the more reason for me to love my iPod over conventional over-the-air radio.
    Maybe I'm just getting old.


Shared on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 04:00

Zombie that likes turtles

A local radio station here in MN keeps playing the audio of this, so I did a youtube search and found out where it's from, so, enjoy;


Shared on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 04:00

Zombie that likes turtles

A local radio station here in MN keeps playing the audio of this, so I did a youtube search and found out where it's from, so, enjoy;


Shared on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 14:14

Follow up to previous entry

    Okay, first, I don't entirely remember writing that previous blog entry, I even thought that what I had written I had deleted, so I'll chalk that up to the pain pills I've been taking for my back and shoulder.

    Second, the only thing I was trying to get at is that suddenly, after the xbox.com article, I'm somewhat paranoid about younger people hanging around. I don't have any one person in mind, just that the thought had never occurred to me until then.


Shared on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 14:14

Follow up to previous entry

    Okay, first, I don't entirely remember writing that previous blog entry, I even thought that what I had written I had deleted, so I'll chalk that up to the pain pills I've been taking for my back and shoulder.

    Second, the only thing I was trying to get at is that suddenly, after the xbox.com article, I'm somewhat paranoid about younger people hanging around. I don't have any one person in mind, just that the thought had never occurred to me until then.


Shared on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 18:34

Is it just me?

    Is it just me, or is anyone else constantly leery that not all that sign up to this site are actually over 25? I've only had this feeling since that interview with doodi on the xbox site, where they even talk about it.
     I don't know, just seems that it's getting pretty crowded around here, and wouldn't surprise me to learn a few timmies have been lurking around, posing as 'one of us'.


Shared on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 18:34

Is it just me?

    Is it just me, or is anyone else constantly leery that not all that sign up to this site are actually over 25? I've only had this feeling since that interview with doodi on the xbox site, where they even talk about it.
     I don't know, just seems that it's getting pretty crowded around here, and wouldn't surprise me to learn a few timmies have been lurking around, posing as 'one of us'.


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 21:23

There is not an update available for this blog

    There is not an update available for this blog, but, if you're in the mood to update something, apparently all you have to do is start up any 360 game. I think in the past month or so, I've updated about 5 or 6 times. Twice (I think) for Crackdown when the Halo 3 beta hit, I think guitar hero threw one in there around that time, then I rented Forza 2 and Lego Star wars 2, both of which required an update upon startup. Then, last night on some crazy bored whim, I fired up Uno. Yep, update available.


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 21:23

There is not an update available for this blog

    There is not an update available for this blog, but, if you're in the mood to update something, apparently all you have to do is start up any 360 game. I think in the past month or so, I've updated about 5 or 6 times. Twice (I think) for Crackdown when the Halo 3 beta hit, I think guitar hero threw one in there around that time, then I rented Forza 2 and Lego Star wars 2, both of which required an update upon startup. Then, last night on some crazy bored whim, I fired up Uno. Yep, update available.

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