VirusFox's blog


Shared on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 15:46

State of Affairs.

Well I've been quiet lately. Life has kind of sucked lately. Lost my job and my I'll be moving soon in the future.

I have been playing some stuff lately. I beat Nanostray for the DS. I also have been playing Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Both are fantastic games. I've been playing Crackdown for the 360 and I beat that in an amazing 20 hours or so of play. I'm about half-way through the achievements.


Shared on Tue, 01/02/2007 - 15:35

Unit 13; reporting for duty.

Well I've been doing a sick amount of Rainbow 6: Vegas lately. I really love the game. However I've been interested in branching out and revisiting other games that I have and enjoy. It's been consuming the 2Old4Tactics clan for a while now. I feel like I've really grown my skills and improved since joining the clan and playing regularly.

It's time to revisit another love of mine.



Shared on Tue, 01/02/2007 - 15:35

Unit 13; reporting for duty.

Well I've been doing a sick amount of Rainbow 6: Vegas lately. I really love the game. However I've been interested in branching out and revisiting other games that I have and enjoy. It's been consuming the 2Old4Tactics clan for a while now. I feel like I've really grown my skills and improved since joining the clan and playing regularly.

It's time to revisit another love of mine.



Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 16:21

Warm Welcomes Abound!

Well thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. It was pretty nice to see some comments and replies already and even a friend request. I have a great time playing with everyone as well. Some of the best memories lately, that's for sure! The only other things that even come close were playing some original GR back in the day on XBL. Which is where I learned I had a taste for the tactical style of shooters.

Good times!


Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 16:21

Warm Welcomes Abound!

Well thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. It was pretty nice to see some comments and replies already and even a friend request. I have a great time playing with everyone as well. Some of the best memories lately, that's for sure! The only other things that even come close were playing some original GR back in the day on XBL. Which is where I learned I had a taste for the tactical style of shooters.

Good times!

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