binard328's blog


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 06:08

The Soul still burns...

So I just read a post about Dead or Alive 4 and I got to thinking. Man, that was the only fighter on the 360 that's worth anything. And it's not all that great. I mean I like DOA4, but it just seems a little wonky. I'd much rather see the Soul Calibur franchise make it's way over to the next gen box. Hell, I'd even settle for a port of Soul Calibur 3! The only thing it'd have to have is online multiplayer. That's a must nowadays. Which brings me to my next topic


Shared on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 17:15

Audio disappointment

I got this wild hair up my ass and decided to rearrange things in the home. Well, not really rearrange things. More like use the equipment I got. So, I got this 32" Sony TV. No, it's not HD and it's a CRT so don't be envious. Had this thing for a while and it works fine. I also got this Aiwa stereo system (don't bother making fun of me, I bought it a long time ago). So I look on the back of the stereo and I noticed an optical plug! I was so overjoyed with the thought of using my 360's digital audio. Then I got to looking at it and it was an output, not an input. Dammit!


Shared on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 22:28

Changing tastes

I know that I'm not well known on these boards, but I have to talk about someing.


Shared on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 17:57

New bloggy!

OK. So this is the first time that I'm blogging on this site. Normally have a MySpace profile that I post on frequently for my friends, but this will be better for gaming and such.

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