YoYo's blog


Shared on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 09:01

Things Going On In My Life

Well I figured I would write and give you guys a lil info on what goin on In YoYo's Life right now. Well I'm currently workin out here in Iraq doing contractor work tryin to make some decent money. My great wife is at home with my 4 year old daughter and in about 1 month we will be having our second child. We're having a boy so I'm all set on kids I have one of each....lol. Anyways I'm sittin here at my desk here in Iraq and I was thinkin of when I get home on leave. I get home on the 1st of October and if all goes well my boy will be born around the 8th so I hope I don't miss it.


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 05:52

Dumbass of the Day

Well this guys get the Honors for today.




laterz YoYo


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 05:52

Dumbass of the Day

Well this guys get the Honors for today.




laterz YoYo


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 03:02

Mr. Way too Proud Of Texas Guy

Couldn't find an original but this is close. Hope u enjoy M13a77.


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4xs3wQusjo[/youtube] YoYo


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 03:02

Mr. Way too Proud Of Texas Guy

Couldn't find an original but this is close. Hope u enjoy M13a77.


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4xs3wQusjo[/youtube] YoYo


Shared on Mon, 09/03/2007 - 00:01

DumbAss of The Day

I haven't been able to get online the last couple of days so here it is again for you guys to see. This guy should learn that fire is not all that fun.





Shared on Mon, 09/03/2007 - 00:01

DumbAss of The Day

I haven't been able to get online the last couple of days so here it is again for you guys to see. This guy should learn that fire is not all that fun.





Shared on Sun, 09/02/2007 - 23:50

Mr. Pro Wrestling Wardrobe Designer

You can't thank him or hate him whichever you want but still a funny one.



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