J-Cat's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 17:43

The Beatles - Not Perfect

I am a bit of a pop tart: I generally like top 20 BS. It's mindless, but catchy and sometimes I like me some mindless and catchy. That being said I am a radio channel flipper: so I will often find myself on the Classic Rock station.  Basically: I like whatever has been popular at the time. Since it's 09-09-09 what has the classic rock station been playing? Beatles. Nothing. But. Beatles.

And I discovered something. The Beatles are far from perfect.


Shared on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 17:43

The Beatles - Not Perfect

I am a bit of a pop tart: I generally like top 20 BS. It's mindless, but catchy and sometimes I like me some mindless and catchy. That being said I am a radio channel flipper: so I will often find myself on the Classic Rock station.  Basically: I like whatever has been popular at the time. Since it's 09-09-09 what has the classic rock station been playing? Beatles. Nothing. But. Beatles.

And I discovered something. The Beatles are far from perfect.


Shared on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 21:00

Decluttering... booooo

Maybe I'm nuts, but I want to de-clutter my house. Simplify. Make my house *not* a shit-sty. But it's work. and work is hard. And I am lazy.

But seriously: Iam going to give this a real shot and post up my results so far. Tonight was the kitchen. Not decluttered yet... maybe, possibly 1/3 of the way there. I decluttered Erica's art crap. Cupboards are next. Then comes our bedroom. Cringe.


Shared on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 21:00

Decluttering... booooo

Maybe I'm nuts, but I want to de-clutter my house. Simplify. Make my house *not* a shit-sty. But it's work. and work is hard. And I am lazy.

But seriously: Iam going to give this a real shot and post up my results so far. Tonight was the kitchen. Not decluttered yet... maybe, possibly 1/3 of the way there. I decluttered Erica's art crap. Cupboards are next. Then comes our bedroom. Cringe.


Shared on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 07:41

New job starts soon

Blarg. I had a boring blog about my work history, all to say... "Yippe" And "I will be starting a new job in Compliance doing what I am good at on the 14th."  I erased that blog for this one, cause I am self aware enough to know when crap is DULL.

Been sick for a week. Haven't been to yoga consistently in a couple of months. Went to hot Power last night and it kicked my ass. Football starts soon, which means Fall starts soon, which in my mind means that the new year starts soon. Hmmm... lots of new beginnings.


Shared on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 07:41

New job starts soon

Blarg. I had a boring blog about my work history, all to say... "Yippe" And "I will be starting a new job in Compliance doing what I am good at on the 14th."  I erased that blog for this one, cause I am self aware enough to know when crap is DULL.

Been sick for a week. Haven't been to yoga consistently in a couple of months. Went to hot Power last night and it kicked my ass. Football starts soon, which means Fall starts soon, which in my mind means that the new year starts soon. Hmmm... lots of new beginnings.


Shared on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 17:32

WAit.. wait... wait... NOW GO!

That about sums up HR with the government.


Shared on Mon, 08/31/2009 - 17:32

WAit.. wait... wait... NOW GO!

That about sums up HR with the government.


Shared on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 18:25

In need of a new Sig...

Any takers? Any ideas of what I should have for my signature? I am so open: I only want to have something "TheCabal" related... perhaps cat related.

If you are interested, pm me.


Shared on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 18:25

In need of a new Sig...

Any takers? Any ideas of what I should have for my signature? I am so open: I only want to have something "TheCabal" related... perhaps cat related.

If you are interested, pm me.

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