J-Cat's blog


Shared on Fri, 07/24/2009 - 07:28

Letting the Man touch the Xbox

I don't like where this is going... but my husband has taken interest in Oblivion. Hmm... This could be bad. Ah. I kid, I kid. But I may have an unusual couple gaming history. See: when my husband and I first met, he was the "gamer" although he never would have self identified as such. He played lots of Techmo Football, and NHL 98 with "tha boys".  I like the odd PC RPG but a console controller was ... not my thing.


Shared on Fri, 07/24/2009 - 07:28

Letting the Man touch the Xbox

I don't like where this is going... but my husband has taken interest in Oblivion. Hmm... This could be bad. Ah. I kid, I kid. But I may have an unusual couple gaming history. See: when my husband and I first met, he was the "gamer" although he never would have self identified as such. He played lots of Techmo Football, and NHL 98 with "tha boys".  I like the odd PC RPG but a console controller was ... not my thing.


Shared on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 21:57


W00t: my community playdate turned out to consist of yapping with the ladies on line and playing a bit of W@W with Newtizzle... Not a bad night at all. Off to bed: Thanks WAterborn for setting this whole sum'bitch up!

While W@W was not the most popular game, I did see lots of people on last night. Any community playdate stories out there?


Shared on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 21:57


W00t: my community playdate turned out to consist of yapping with the ladies on line and playing a bit of W@W with Newtizzle... Not a bad night at all. Off to bed: Thanks WAterborn for setting this whole sum'bitch up!

While W@W was not the most popular game, I did see lots of people on last night. Any community playdate stories out there?


Shared on Sun, 07/19/2009 - 13:52

Help me Lady -one-kenobi...

You're my only hope!

Okay: so here's the deal. We were kinda/sorta potty trianing Erica. Here is the potty, this is how you use it. When she peed or pooped: big hurray! BUT she is still young and doens't notice when she needs to go, doens't want to stop what she is doing to go ont he potty, cause... meh, peeing/ pooping in your pants is not such a big deal to her. So, all was going okay.


Shared on Sun, 07/19/2009 - 13:52

Help me Lady -one-kenobi...

You're my only hope!

Okay: so here's the deal. We were kinda/sorta potty trianing Erica. Here is the potty, this is how you use it. When she peed or pooped: big hurray! BUT she is still young and doens't notice when she needs to go, doens't want to stop what she is doing to go ont he potty, cause... meh, peeing/ pooping in your pants is not such a big deal to her. So, all was going okay.


Shared on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 20:00

Fuck you Airmiles

Fuck you in the mouth.

that is all.


Shared on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 20:00

Fuck you Airmiles

Fuck you in the mouth.

that is all.


Shared on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 17:54

Evony... Evolution of a banner ad

First of all, I am not at all complaining about the blog ad. After all, we know that Doodi has to put up ads to keep the lights on, and he only gets a certain number of vetos. And I do NOT want to even know what he vetoed. Actually, scratch that. Doodi: exactly what do you veto? Tell us a story, Doodi!


Shared on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 17:54

Evony... Evolution of a banner ad

First of all, I am not at all complaining about the blog ad. After all, we know that Doodi has to put up ads to keep the lights on, and he only gets a certain number of vetos. And I do NOT want to even know what he vetoed. Actually, scratch that. Doodi: exactly what do you veto? Tell us a story, Doodi!

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