J-Cat's blog


Shared on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 09:48

Opinions please... Bosses and work questions

Ever had a boss that was new to management? Didn't know how to lead? Not a bad person, but just a bit clueless.... doesn't even know they they are making mistakes type of people. In too deep to be providing leadership? Horder of information É (crap... my keyboard went all french on me... that was supposed to be a question mark...)  Remember I'm with the Feds: Managemetn keywords are `Development`` and things like that.

How did you handle this? How do you teach your boss to be a good boss? Or did you bother?

Need help... thanks all!


Shared on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 09:48

Opinions please... Bosses and work questions

Ever had a boss that was new to management? Didn't know how to lead? Not a bad person, but just a bit clueless.... doesn't even know they they are making mistakes type of people. In too deep to be providing leadership? Horder of information É (crap... my keyboard went all french on me... that was supposed to be a question mark...)  Remember I'm with the Feds: Managemetn keywords are `Development`` and things like that.

How did you handle this? How do you teach your boss to be a good boss? Or did you bother?

Need help... thanks all!


Shared on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 12:04

Mini Vacation... my bum hurts...

from the raping I recieved ordering beer form room service ($40+ for 6 beer) and parking (one day 19.50+tax). Owie. Gotta get some cream for that or something.

But's it's worth it. We stayed downtown Ottawa. Played in the pool, kids area, when the wee one was in bed: watched hockey, ate pizza, drank beer. I am so Canadian it hurts. So ya... mini-vacation = awesome times.


Shared on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 12:04

Mini Vacation... my bum hurts...

from the raping I recieved ordering beer form room service ($40+ for 6 beer) and parking (one day 19.50+tax). Owie. Gotta get some cream for that or something.

But's it's worth it. We stayed downtown Ottawa. Played in the pool, kids area, when the wee one was in bed: watched hockey, ate pizza, drank beer. I am so Canadian it hurts. So ya... mini-vacation = awesome times.


Shared on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 07:31

Achievement Unlocked: JayCat Kicks Ass!

Hurray for little moi! It's amazing how when you need something, even something really small, God provides! I was thinking about my yoga practice, wondering if I have changed physically since I started. Can I do more things, are poses a bit easier? Am I building strength? This si a little thing of course. Jsut needed a bit of reassurance, perhaps.


Shared on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 07:31

Achievement Unlocked: JayCat Kicks Ass!

Hurray for little moi! It's amazing how when you need something, even something really small, God provides! I was thinking about my yoga practice, wondering if I have changed physically since I started. Can I do more things, are poses a bit easier? Am I building strength? This si a little thing of course. Jsut needed a bit of reassurance, perhaps.


Shared on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 08:46

Jumping at Shadows....

My husband says that my biography should be entitled "I Feel Bad."  I am oversensitive to the feelings of others. I see others in pain, I act. Even if I only perceive that they are hurting, facts be damned. I see injustice, and move on it, although those around me don't see it/care. Combine this with a natural zealousness and you have a potent combination. If there is a decision to act or to not act: I choose "to Act".  I'm a talker, so I share and expect others to act with me.  My boundless need to collaborate can be tiresome for the introverted. Ask my poor husband!  ;)


Shared on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 08:46

Jumping at Shadows....

My husband says that my biography should be entitled "I Feel Bad."  I am oversensitive to the feelings of others. I see others in pain, I act. Even if I only perceive that they are hurting, facts be damned. I see injustice, and move on it, although those around me don't see it/care. Combine this with a natural zealousness and you have a potent combination. If there is a decision to act or to not act: I choose "to Act".  I'm a talker, so I share and expect others to act with me.  My boundless need to collaborate can be tiresome for the introverted. Ask my poor husband!  ;)


Shared on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 12:18

Got the Box back... now temptation strikes...

So I got the Box back... then the temptation starts. As you may recall from a previous blog: I am attempting to "be less terrible." one way I am going to do that is by consuming less. That means for one month I only buy necessities. So...

How is Puzzle Quest Galactrix a necessity?


Shared on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 12:18

Got the Box back... now temptation strikes...

So I got the Box back... then the temptation starts. As you may recall from a previous blog: I am attempting to "be less terrible." one way I am going to do that is by consuming less. That means for one month I only buy necessities. So...

How is Puzzle Quest Galactrix a necessity?

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