Durty's blog


Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 13:31

Black and Whites...

I have been trying to do this all fucking day....and it finally worked!!! Yay!!


I love black and white pictures, so raw...beautiful in their simplicity...


Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 10:16

Ok.....what's up?

I've been trying to post some pics, and keep getting errors...."HTML Tags you are trying to use aren't allowed" or something like that.  I am using the Insert Image button and the pics show up until I click submit and then I get an error.  :(  What's up with that? 


Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 10:16

Ok.....what's up?

I've been trying to post some pics, and keep getting errors...."HTML Tags you are trying to use aren't allowed" or something like that.  I am using the Insert Image button and the pics show up until I click submit and then I get an error.  :(  What's up with that? 


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 10:04


I need a hobby other than hot chicks and sex......



.....but I don't have one...so enjoy ;)


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 10:04


I need a hobby other than hot chicks and sex......



.....but I don't have one...so enjoy ;)


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 16:10

Bad Day?

This little animal is called the Naked Mole-Rat and is from Africa.

So if you are having a bad day and feeling sorry for yourself, remember:

At least you don't look like a dick with buck teeth!


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 16:10

Bad Day?

This little animal is called the Naked Mole-Rat and is from Africa.

So if you are having a bad day and feeling sorry for yourself, remember:

At least you don't look like a dick with buck teeth!


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 02:02

No Country...

Just watched 'No Country for Old Men'.....and to put it quite nicely, this movie sucks. Such a dissapointment....it looked like it would be a good movie too.  It's kind of slow throughout the whole thing, but you think it's all going to pan out in the end.  No, it doesn't...in fact, it's the most anti-climactic movie EVER.  I will never watch it ever again, stupid, stupid retarded crappy movie!!!! 


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 02:02

No Country...

Just watched 'No Country for Old Men'.....and to put it quite nicely, this movie sucks. Such a dissapointment....it looked like it would be a good movie too.  It's kind of slow throughout the whole thing, but you think it's all going to pan out in the end.  No, it doesn't...in fact, it's the most anti-climactic movie EVER.  I will never watch it ever again, stupid, stupid retarded crappy movie!!!! 


Shared on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 19:43


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