racerchaser's blog


Shared on Sun, 05/18/2008 - 14:50

3rd birthday

I know it's been a bit since my last blog.. I've been real busy with life.. Not to mention racing season is back in action.I had to do some work on a race car this week the guy crashed hard and it needed frame work and for me to set it up again.. I like working on race cars it's something I'm good at it plus it's fun for me. Today is my son's 3rd birthday check out what I got him.


Shared on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 18:10


Well I'm still hitting GTA IV pretty hard.. I'm playing it on the PS3 and the 360.. I have not been hooked on a game like this in some time.. Sad part is I still have so much to do.. I want to complete the game 100% on one of the systems I just don't know what system it will be on.. I enjoy playing on the PS3 but in this case I like going the extra effort to do things to earn achievements also.


Shared on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 18:10


Well I'm still hitting GTA IV pretty hard.. I'm playing it on the PS3 and the 360.. I have not been hooked on a game like this in some time.. Sad part is I still have so much to do.. I want to complete the game 100% on one of the systems I just don't know what system it will be on.. I enjoy playing on the PS3 but in this case I like going the extra effort to do things to earn achievements also.


Shared on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 19:29


I found this in the 2old2play main forums in the off topic part and laughed me ass off..


Shared on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 19:29


I found this in the 2old2play main forums in the off topic part and laughed me ass off..


Shared on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 09:16

Haze Demo is out

Well I played the Haze Demo.. I liked it so I'm going to pick it up on the 22nd of May.. It won't pull me away from GTA IV single player but it will be fun when the summer gets here and there are no games to play.. I still have GT5 to play and Hot Shots Golf and Burnout Paradise is going to knock out some new game play soon not to mention new maps for COD4.. I'm very happy to be a gamer at this time and to be a PS3 owner..


Shared on Fri, 05/09/2008 - 09:16

Haze Demo is out

Well I played the Haze Demo.. I liked it so I'm going to pick it up on the 22nd of May.. It won't pull me away from GTA IV single player but it will be fun when the summer gets here and there are no games to play.. I still have GT5 to play and Hot Shots Golf and Burnout Paradise is going to knock out some new game play soon not to mention new maps for COD4.. I'm very happy to be a gamer at this time and to be a PS3 owner..


Shared on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 06:24


I hate Allergies.. My Allergies are killing me the last couple days.. I take Zyrtec at night it's should last 24 hours but it does not feel like it's working.. What really helps is to turn the A/C on but it's not near hot enough outside to do that.. Anyone have any ideas?


Shared on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 06:24


I hate Allergies.. My Allergies are killing me the last couple days.. I take Zyrtec at night it's should last 24 hours but it does not feel like it's working.. What really helps is to turn the A/C on but it's not near hot enough outside to do that.. Anyone have any ideas?


Shared on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 07:23


Ok all you 360 owners don't attack me.. I own a 360 also.. I just found this funny and yes I know it's been out for a while but it's still funny and TRUE..

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