NCGrimbo's blog


Shared on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 12:51


Well, today is release day for NASCAR '08.  The most underpromoted racing game to come out this year.  If you don't watch NASCAR on TV, you may not even know that it was coming out.  I'll be spending the next few days playing and then I'll post a review.



Shared on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 12:51


Well, today is release day for NASCAR '08.  The most underpromoted racing game to come out this year.  If you don't watch NASCAR on TV, you may not even know that it was coming out.  I'll be spending the next few days playing and then I'll post a review.



Shared on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 09:19

A hit to the ego.

I was playing some Texas Hold'em last night and had gotten to the final 3.  I had my microphone connected, but muted as I always do.  I do this so that I can see the temperment of the table before speaking.  If it's a quiet table, I will be quiet also.  If loud and crazy, but not Timmied, I'll join in.  Well, one of the other players was the only one left talking, so I unmuted and started a conversation with him.  In the middle of our talk, he starts laughing for no reason.  I'm puzzled about this, then he appologizes and says that his 5 year old daughter just came in the room and said that


Shared on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 09:19

A hit to the ego.

I was playing some Texas Hold'em last night and had gotten to the final 3.  I had my microphone connected, but muted as I always do.  I do this so that I can see the temperment of the table before speaking.  If it's a quiet table, I will be quiet also.  If loud and crazy, but not Timmied, I'll join in.  Well, one of the other players was the only one left talking, so I unmuted and started a conversation with him.  In the middle of our talk, he starts laughing for no reason.  I'm puzzled about this, then he appologizes and says that his 5 year old daughter just came in the room and said that


Shared on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:11

No Title.

So, another week has gone by and I'm actually going to make my scheduled weekly update.  Yeah for me, eh?  I'll start with my exciting game play recap:



Shared on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:11

No Title.

So, another week has gone by and I'm actually going to make my scheduled weekly update.  Yeah for me, eh?  I'll start with my exciting game play recap:



Shared on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:36


I hope this is the first of several blogs that I will make here.  My plan is to try to do one a week and to bore those of you unlucky enough to read it.  If you get any entertainment value out of this, well, I won't go there.  Any spelling mistakes you find just confirms your slide into feeblemindedness, not my lack of use of the spell checker.


I figured I could put a quick update on how I've done in the last week while playing games.  After all, this is a gaming site.


Shared on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 15:36


I hope this is the first of several blogs that I will make here.  My plan is to try to do one a week and to bore those of you unlucky enough to read it.  If you get any entertainment value out of this, well, I won't go there.  Any spelling mistakes you find just confirms your slide into feeblemindedness, not my lack of use of the spell checker.


I figured I could put a quick update on how I've done in the last week while playing games.  After all, this is a gaming site.

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