n00py83's blog


Shared on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 21:03

What I got to say

I had a fucking blast at the Lan. I hung out with some really kick ass people, drank a lot of beer, which is always a good thing. Then I come home to this shit about my clan. I think it's fucked up that some of you started to talk shit about our clan. If you're not in the clan or one of the higher ups on this site, why do you give a fuck. I was gaming with this clan before I was even on this site, so I take offense to the shit talking. Quit your damn bitching. We were one of the more premiere clans on this site. And we are highly regarded as one of the better Call of Duty clans.


Shared on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 21:03

What I got to say

I had a fucking blast at the Lan. I hung out with some really kick ass people, drank a lot of beer, which is always a good thing. Then I come home to this shit about my clan. I think it's fucked up that some of you started to talk shit about our clan. If you're not in the clan or one of the higher ups on this site, why do you give a fuck. I was gaming with this clan before I was even on this site, so I take offense to the shit talking. Quit your damn bitching. We were one of the more premiere clans on this site. And we are highly regarded as one of the better Call of Duty clans.


Shared on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 05:58

4 hours of sleep

I went to bed about 2, set my alarm for 8. And here it is 6 in the fucking morning.

Can't wait to drink it up with some of you fuckers. See everyone in a few hours.



Shared on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 05:58

4 hours of sleep

I went to bed about 2, set my alarm for 8. And here it is 6 in the fucking morning.

Can't wait to drink it up with some of you fuckers. See everyone in a few hours.



Shared on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 16:44

A Week Away

This time next week I'll be drunk as fuck at the LAN. See everyone in a few days.


Shared on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 16:44

A Week Away

This time next week I'll be drunk as fuck at the LAN. See everyone in a few days.


Shared on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 05:33


Finally got my stimulus check in the mail. So now I can buy my LAN ticket and reserve my hotel room. NOOPY is going to CHI-TOWN.

EAT IT!!!!!


Shared on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 05:33


Finally got my stimulus check in the mail. So now I can buy my LAN ticket and reserve my hotel room. NOOPY is going to CHI-TOWN.

EAT IT!!!!!


Shared on Sat, 05/31/2008 - 08:15

I Hate Working Nights

I'm a day person so every month when my shift goes to nights i hate it. Just wanted to rant about it a little.




Shared on Sat, 05/31/2008 - 08:15

I Hate Working Nights

I'm a day person so every month when my shift goes to nights i hate it. Just wanted to rant about it a little.



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