KamaniKoa's blog


Shared on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 03:29

The wives of Soldiers

Who?...... But the Soldiers see the Horrors of battle, They witness their friends being killed or wounded, They see the blood and body parts of whats left of their friend in the same trench that they were in not just a minute ago. They witness the Horror that man can do their own kind. They see the broken or dead bodies of Children whom remind them of their own Children back home. They see big, Strong, Tough, Never Afraid Soldiers crying their harts out after loosing one of their friends in a fire fight.


Shared on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 03:29

The wives of Soldiers

Who?...... But the Soldiers see the Horrors of battle, They witness their friends being killed or wounded, They see the blood and body parts of whats left of their friend in the same trench that they were in not just a minute ago. They witness the Horror that man can do their own kind. They see the broken or dead bodies of Children whom remind them of their own Children back home. They see big, Strong, Tough, Never Afraid Soldiers crying their harts out after loosing one of their friends in a fire fight.


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 11:06

Hug and Kiss your Children Today


A man who allegedly threw a boy off a pedestrian freeway overpass yesterday was occasionally asked to care for the toddler and recently had been sent for psychiatric evaluation, police said.

Matthew M. Higa, a 23-year-old Roosevelt High School graduate, was arrested yesterday in connection with the death of the boy.


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 11:06

Hug and Kiss your Children Today


A man who allegedly threw a boy off a pedestrian freeway overpass yesterday was occasionally asked to care for the toddler and recently had been sent for psychiatric evaluation, police said.

Matthew M. Higa, a 23-year-old Roosevelt High School graduate, was arrested yesterday in connection with the death of the boy.


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 14:50

Gaming and your Better Half

I started off gaming along time ago, and like a lot of you I started with the Atari 2600. I then moved on to the Nintendo NES, then the Super Nintendo. Then came the PlayStation and the Playstation2. Ah good times.... Its now brought us to the future with the XBOX. XBOX360 and the XBOX 360Elite. Along the way thru the years I got married, had kids watched them grow, sent them to Collage. they got Married and now have their own kids. Lifes almost a full circle until when your playing KOD 4 online with some of your bros, and the wife walks in and says to you with tears running down her eyes.


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 14:50

Gaming and your Better Half

I started off gaming along time ago, and like a lot of you I started with the Atari 2600. I then moved on to the Nintendo NES, then the Super Nintendo. Then came the PlayStation and the Playstation2. Ah good times.... Its now brought us to the future with the XBOX. XBOX360 and the XBOX 360Elite. Along the way thru the years I got married, had kids watched them grow, sent them to Collage. they got Married and now have their own kids. Lifes almost a full circle until when your playing KOD 4 online with some of your bros, and the wife walks in and says to you with tears running down her eyes.


Shared on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 17:20

BCS Sugar Bowl

OMFG!!!!!!!!! are you kidding me!!!!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!  OH CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!.  You call them 12 and 0,  what 12and 0.  It doesent look like it.   Faaaaaaaaaaak.  Georgia kicked our 12and 0 asses.   GREAT JOB  Georgia  congrats.


Shared on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 17:20

BCS Sugar Bowl

OMFG!!!!!!!!! are you kidding me!!!!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!  OH CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!.  You call them 12 and 0,  what 12and 0.  It doesent look like it.   Faaaaaaaaaaak.  Georgia kicked our 12and 0 asses.   GREAT JOB  Georgia  congrats.


Shared on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 19:41

360 Elite

The presents are under the tree, the lights are twinkling,  The Christmas Music is loaded in the stereo.  The Christmas Ham is in the fridge along with the case of Heineken's and not a wife was stirring.  ( she was at work).  So I ventured towards the Tree to take a wee peak at what she got Me. as I lifted the wrapper ever so slightly Low and behold I spied a 360 (Elite)  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good time. (gaming)


Shared on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 19:41

360 Elite

The presents are under the tree, the lights are twinkling,  The Christmas Music is loaded in the stereo.  The Christmas Ham is in the fridge along with the case of Heineken's and not a wife was stirring.  ( she was at work).  So I ventured towards the Tree to take a wee peak at what she got Me. as I lifted the wrapper ever so slightly Low and behold I spied a 360 (Elite)  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good time. (gaming)

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