MineMagnet506's blog


Shared on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 16:45

As much as I hate the New York Times...

I'm pleased to see we agree on something.



"Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a better game than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2."

We don't love them modern welfare 2!!


Shared on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 16:45

As much as I hate the New York Times...

I'm pleased to see we agree on something.



"Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a better game than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2."

We don't love them modern welfare 2!!


Shared on Sat, 04/03/2010 - 08:49

Gone fishing!

No really, with a spinning rod... not the AK.


Shared on Sat, 04/03/2010 - 08:49

Gone fishing!

No really, with a spinning rod... not the AK.


Shared on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 13:51

I has seen the light!!

I think Obamacare is a great idea.  The beginning of something wonderful.  I also think the excessive taxation of those evil greedy rich people to take care of all those poor people around the world is the right thing to do since they can afford it.  Redistribution of wealth is the right thing to do.  I'm also pretty sure the pistol grip and 30 round mags for my evil black rifle are turning me into a criminal.


Shared on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 13:51

I has seen the light!!

I think Obamacare is a great idea.  The beginning of something wonderful.  I also think the excessive taxation of those evil greedy rich people to take care of all those poor people around the world is the right thing to do since they can afford it.  Redistribution of wealth is the right thing to do.  I'm also pretty sure the pistol grip and 30 round mags for my evil black rifle are turning me into a criminal.

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