strykerpaul's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 16:46

Its been an interesting couple of days

It actually started a couple of weeks ago.  My wife noticed a lump in my youngest son's nec.  Just figured it was a blown lymph node and it should end up going away after a course of antibiotics.  After a visit to the peditrician, it had not gone down and they recommended a consult to a specialist.  After meeting with an ENT, it was decided to operate and pull the affected node out and do a biopsy on it to see why it hadn't gone away after 8 weeks and several courses of antibiotics.  We had that procedure this morning.  Josh is doing fine but I get to stay home with him for a day or two to


Shared on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 16:46

Its been an interesting couple of days

It actually started a couple of weeks ago.  My wife noticed a lump in my youngest son's nec.  Just figured it was a blown lymph node and it should end up going away after a course of antibiotics.  After a visit to the peditrician, it had not gone down and they recommended a consult to a specialist.  After meeting with an ENT, it was decided to operate and pull the affected node out and do a biopsy on it to see why it hadn't gone away after 8 weeks and several courses of antibiotics.  We had that procedure this morning.  Josh is doing fine but I get to stay home with him for a day or two to


Shared on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 20:16

Talk about a crappy weekend

It started on friday, when a telcon scheduled for the morning got moved to late afternoon.  This meant that it would after 5.  At first I was going to bail out at 5 and head to Zach's soccer game, but as we got onto the telcon, I realized that I really needed to stay.  After getting things straight with the wife, I pressed on.  After leaving work on the way to the second of Z's games fo rthe night, I got into a bunch of slow and go traffic.  It soon got much worse.  I ended up parking on I-95 for over an hour and a half.  Didn't get home until after 10.


Shared on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 20:16

Talk about a crappy weekend

It started on friday, when a telcon scheduled for the morning got moved to late afternoon.  This meant that it would after 5.  At first I was going to bail out at 5 and head to Zach's soccer game, but as we got onto the telcon, I realized that I really needed to stay.  After getting things straight with the wife, I pressed on.  After leaving work on the way to the second of Z's games fo rthe night, I got into a bunch of slow and go traffic.  It soon got much worse.  I ended up parking on I-95 for over an hour and a half.  Didn't get home until after 10.


Shared on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 15:09

A proud daddy moment

So I had started playing StarWars:FTU the other day and during the opening scenario you play as Darth Vader. We had just finished dinner and by chance, my oldest had a Darth Vader sipy that I had gotten him a while ago. He ran back to the dining room and got his cup, came out and told me that I was playing the same guy as was on his cup. I told him that DV was part of a movie and did he want to watch it? He has been after me all week to watch StarWars. So today Zach and I watched Star Wars. Has to be one of my better moments to have my son request to see the great classic StarWars.


Shared on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 12:53

A serious case of the Blahs

Ever had a good case of the blahs?  You know, the feeling that yu are just dragging through the day, meandering from one point to the next.  Looking for something, anything to make throught the day.  Those times when you do as little as possible at work, trying find something that validates your existence.  Goofing off as much as possible, when you know you have a full plate of things the really should be done.  Driving home (to a loving family), nowing that there is more grief to come.  Mind numbing screams from the kids, animals that are getting into every last little thing.  The usual ho


Shared on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 12:53

A serious case of the Blahs

Ever had a good case of the blahs?  You know, the feeling that yu are just dragging through the day, meandering from one point to the next.  Looking for something, anything to make throught the day.  Those times when you do as little as possible at work, trying find something that validates your existence.  Goofing off as much as possible, when you know you have a full plate of things the really should be done.  Driving home (to a loving family), nowing that there is more grief to come.  Mind numbing screams from the kids, animals that are getting into every last little thing.  The usual ho


Shared on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 14:03

Since this is my first one...

I thought that I should probably give a little more background info, since I'm sure there won't be too many readers here. LOL

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