Mortaw's blog


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 08:01

I'm going to get flamed for this.

Ok here we go. I hate PVP. I hate alot of people who play PVP and I can't stand people who bitch about PVP.  One of my favort games is about to go to shit because people are bitching that the verses mode is to HARD. I am talking about Left4Dead.  They are going to do some MAJOR changes that are going to make this game SUCK. And valve said we can all than the PVP playes because they are trying to be helpful to tham. WTF, its like valve took a page from blizzards handbook.  What are we playing WOW here?  Its a fucking FPS not a RPG.  God I can't stand that shit.  Some bitching is ok.


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 08:01

I'm going to get flamed for this.

Ok here we go. I hate PVP. I hate alot of people who play PVP and I can't stand people who bitch about PVP.  One of my favort games is about to go to shit because people are bitching that the verses mode is to HARD. I am talking about Left4Dead.  They are going to do some MAJOR changes that are going to make this game SUCK. And valve said we can all than the PVP playes because they are trying to be helpful to tham. WTF, its like valve took a page from blizzards handbook.  What are we playing WOW here?  Its a fucking FPS not a RPG.  God I can't stand that shit.  Some bitching is ok.


Shared on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 17:57


Ok second post today. But I have to say this and get it off my chest. I am a big man and I DON'T like skinny woman. I like a woman with curves. Women like Paris and all those are WAY to damn skinny for my likes. Give me a woman that can fill a dress and actuay look like she ate something recently.  I realy DON't see how you women do it this day and age. With them telling you that you FAT and you have cerves. Shit  I like big women and have the men I know like big women. Big tits and a big ass are HOT on a woman, but I LOVE the hourglass shape. But acording to the media thats fat now.


Shared on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 08:39


Been sick as hell the past 3 days and I am not happy about it. Been reading on the web about the Unemployment situation. Makes me sad that people cant get good work theas days. Damn Bush. I have been without a job for a year now and I have no idea what to do. I am going crazy not having any money.I am making it by on dog sitting for my GF but I hat asking her for money. She don't mind but I do. I realy hate the shit times that we are having and I hate how the rich motherfuckers are geting a bailout to keep there gold cars and big houses while the rest of us go without.


Shared on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 08:39


Been sick as hell the past 3 days and I am not happy about it. Been reading on the web about the Unemployment situation. Makes me sad that people cant get good work theas days. Damn Bush. I have been without a job for a year now and I have no idea what to do. I am going crazy not having any money.I am making it by on dog sitting for my GF but I hat asking her for money. She don't mind but I do. I realy hate the shit times that we are having and I hate how the rich motherfuckers are geting a bailout to keep there gold cars and big houses while the rest of us go without.


Shared on Fri, 03/20/2009 - 11:21

Long Time Coming

So I finaly after playing RE5 I will say it is a very good game. A hell of alot better than 4. I also like the fact that they decided to do something about the whole Wesker vs Chris storyline that they have been running with. Also infa. ammo is the SHIT.  Spent the entire day yesterday with no T.V. ans no interwebs. So I got down to some gamming. Had fun laughing at the dogs. Its funny what they do when they think noone is paying attion.  The extasy role is the funnyest thing when an overwhate dog is doing it.  Also watched the movie quarentine.


Shared on Fri, 03/20/2009 - 11:21

Long Time Coming

So I finaly after playing RE5 I will say it is a very good game. A hell of alot better than 4. I also like the fact that they decided to do something about the whole Wesker vs Chris storyline that they have been running with. Also infa. ammo is the SHIT.  Spent the entire day yesterday with no T.V. ans no interwebs. So I got down to some gamming. Had fun laughing at the dogs. Its funny what they do when they think noone is paying attion.  The extasy role is the funnyest thing when an overwhate dog is doing it.  Also watched the movie quarentine.


Shared on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 08:27

Low Road.

So I finaly caved and got the maps for Gears of War 2. Damn did not want to pay for them but got tierd of everyone eles having them and not being able to game with the clan. Still playing WOW and fealing like a tool because of it but I dont want money to go to waste. Finaly going to cave in again and get R.E. 5 today. Man I suck at having good willpower. Dont do drugs, Drink on ocasion and adictied to videogames. Wow back words logeic I gess.


Shared on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 08:27

Low Road.

So I finaly caved and got the maps for Gears of War 2. Damn did not want to pay for them but got tierd of everyone eles having them and not being able to game with the clan. Still playing WOW and fealing like a tool because of it but I dont want money to go to waste. Finaly going to cave in again and get R.E. 5 today. Man I suck at having good willpower. Dont do drugs, Drink on ocasion and adictied to videogames. Wow back words logeic I gess.


Shared on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 09:12

Time anew...

I had a very bad day yesterday but I feal better now.  I rented SF4, big mistake. Wow that game sucks out loud.  Even on the easest seting I was geting my ass handed to me.  I use to be realy good at the whole Street Fighter games but this one is  I played online and have yet to win a match.  Yea yea I suck.  Damn game made me so mad almost gave up videogames.  Well not just that game but like I saied I was having a VERY BAD DAY.

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