bryanb1977's blog


Shared on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 09:54

second video edit.

The video quality on this one is a shit ton better then the last one.




Shared on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 09:54

second video edit.

The video quality on this one is a shit ton better then the last one.




Shared on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 08:47

My first video edit

This is my first video edit. I just through it together to try to get a feel for it. The quality is not super do to all the tinkering I was doing during the process of learning. But at least the music is good.



Shared on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 08:47

My first video edit

This is my first video edit. I just through it together to try to get a feel for it. The quality is not super do to all the tinkering I was doing during the process of learning. But at least the music is good.



Shared on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 11:06

Vent about Microphone Courtesy

This is just a small vent about how to use microphone courtesy when playing on XBOX Live or any other online gaming platform. USE THE FREAK"N MUTE BUTTON!!!!!!!. Nothing is worse then playing a game and listening to someone scream into the mic and it not be about the game. I was pushed over the edge on Monday when I was playing Gears and someone had a whole conversation during the match. To make it worse the whole thing was in spanish and as loud as he could make it.. He spoke perfect spanglish though when he called me a mother fucker for nicely asking him to mute his mic.


Shared on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 11:06

Vent about Microphone Courtesy

This is just a small vent about how to use microphone courtesy when playing on XBOX Live or any other online gaming platform. USE THE FREAK"N MUTE BUTTON!!!!!!!. Nothing is worse then playing a game and listening to someone scream into the mic and it not be about the game. I was pushed over the edge on Monday when I was playing Gears and someone had a whole conversation during the match. To make it worse the whole thing was in spanish and as loud as he could make it.. He spoke perfect spanglish though when he called me a mother fucker for nicely asking him to mute his mic.


Shared on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 14:02

first blog post

Well shit, This be my first blog post. I think I have already earned my myself the rep of an asshat. To be completely honest most of the time I am. I am opinonated and far to out spoken. I say and type things a lot of the time without thinking"i dont proof read" and most of the time I'm not sorry for it. My friends all know who I am am what I'm about, and they still like me "at least to my face". The short of it is, I'm a smart ass, cocky, sumbitch.


Shared on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 14:02

first blog post

Well shit, This be my first blog post. I think I have already earned my myself the rep of an asshat. To be completely honest most of the time I am. I am opinonated and far to out spoken. I say and type things a lot of the time without thinking"i dont proof read" and most of the time I'm not sorry for it. My friends all know who I am am what I'm about, and they still like me "at least to my face". The short of it is, I'm a smart ass, cocky, sumbitch.

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