davidicusxx's blog


Shared on Thu, 08/06/2009 - 04:18

5 AM Blues

You know you're up too late

When you see a wonder-bread truck roll by.

The blue-collar man is getting ready for work.

The white-collar man is getting ready to wake up.

The lonely man stares at the back streets,

Empty but for  false light that cuts through the predawn darkness.

The city is a void, a vacuum, waiting 

For another big bang.

To suddenly fill up with life,

Only to collapse on itself.

This is where I live.

These back streets lit by false light

Waiting to implode.

This is where I live.


Shared on Thu, 08/06/2009 - 04:18

5 AM Blues

You know you're up too late

When you see a wonder-bread truck roll by.

The blue-collar man is getting ready for work.

The white-collar man is getting ready to wake up.

The lonely man stares at the back streets,

Empty but for  false light that cuts through the predawn darkness.

The city is a void, a vacuum, waiting 

For another big bang.

To suddenly fill up with life,

Only to collapse on itself.

This is where I live.

These back streets lit by false light

Waiting to implode.

This is where I live.


Shared on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 18:55

Drawing a Blank

She's gone.

She left and here I am, shouting randomly into the darkness, hoping in vain someone might give a shit.

Writing has always been my outlet. Always been as good as sex, or alcohol, but I can't get anything but this bullshit out.

MSNBC is just whiny noise in the background. I've filled my apartment with smoke, even though I have no business smoking. Yesterday I had a cough and a fever, again. I don't care. I need a fucking cigarette.

My life has always been falling apart. I've been okay with that. Probably even caused it.


Shared on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 18:55

Drawing a Blank

She's gone.

She left and here I am, shouting randomly into the darkness, hoping in vain someone might give a shit.

Writing has always been my outlet. Always been as good as sex, or alcohol, but I can't get anything but this bullshit out.

MSNBC is just whiny noise in the background. I've filled my apartment with smoke, even though I have no business smoking. Yesterday I had a cough and a fever, again. I don't care. I need a fucking cigarette.

My life has always been falling apart. I've been okay with that. Probably even caused it.


Shared on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 01:28

One Last Game of Catch

I hadn't known how much I missed playing sports until a few weeks ago, when I started helping out the Glenville Recreation Center Tee-ball team, the Glenville Titans. More than the exercise, which I always enjoy, it was the children. All of them. From the 6 year olds that had a natural talent for the game to the 5 year old that wanted nothing to do with being outside and running around, I found myself attached to almost all of them.


Shared on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 01:28

One Last Game of Catch

I hadn't known how much I missed playing sports until a few weeks ago, when I started helping out the Glenville Recreation Center Tee-ball team, the Glenville Titans. More than the exercise, which I always enjoy, it was the children. All of them. From the 6 year olds that had a natural talent for the game to the 5 year old that wanted nothing to do with being outside and running around, I found myself attached to almost all of them.


Shared on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 22:51

Down with the Sickness, Part the Second.

Well, I now have Acute Bronchitis. Wonderful. Probably a result from never really resting while I had the Pneumonia. I hate being sick. Been ordered by the doc to stay away from my kids and the kids at work, in case its viral. That means no work. Sucks because I actually like my job. Anyway, send me your positive, geek-healer vibes.



Shared on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 22:51

Down with the Sickness, Part the Second.

Well, I now have Acute Bronchitis. Wonderful. Probably a result from never really resting while I had the Pneumonia. I hate being sick. Been ordered by the doc to stay away from my kids and the kids at work, in case its viral. That means no work. Sucks because I actually like my job. Anyway, send me your positive, geek-healer vibes.



Shared on Sun, 06/28/2009 - 16:58

Away We Go

 Natalie and I just got back from Away we Go. All I have to say is GO SEE IT if it is anywhere near you. It is so funny that almost anything I could tell you about the plot other than that it is about a pregnant couple trying to find a place to raise their child- would ruin it all for you. It was flat out funny and  enjoyable the whole movie. Sam Mendes (Jarhead, Revolutionary Road, etc) is an incredible director, and all the performances are spot on. It was actually worth the money for the theatre. 


Shared on Sun, 06/28/2009 - 16:58

Away We Go

 Natalie and I just got back from Away we Go. All I have to say is GO SEE IT if it is anywhere near you. It is so funny that almost anything I could tell you about the plot other than that it is about a pregnant couple trying to find a place to raise their child- would ruin it all for you. It was flat out funny and  enjoyable the whole movie. Sam Mendes (Jarhead, Revolutionary Road, etc) is an incredible director, and all the performances are spot on. It was actually worth the money for the theatre. 

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