AlbionGal's blog


Shared on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 11:23

What is up, eeeeverybodyyyy?*

 *Name that movie! (you'll know it if you have kids though... and if you've seen said movie dozens and dozens of times, like me) Okay, fine, it's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.


Shared on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 11:23

What is up, eeeeverybodyyyy?*

 *Name that movie! (you'll know it if you have kids though... and if you've seen said movie dozens and dozens of times, like me) Okay, fine, it's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.


Shared on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 15:17

The Summer of George!

 This summer we have a few weeks where the husband doesn't have classes so we wrote down a few things we'd like to do. And since we're fans of Seinfeld we named these weeks "The Summer of George". Cause we're dorks like that.

Our list doesn't include Frolf or reading a book (we do that all the time). Here's some of the things:

- Giants game

-Utah (already crossed off )

- Yosemite

- Kirby Cove

- Farmers Markets

and some others. How's your summer going? 


Shared on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 15:17

The Summer of George!

 This summer we have a few weeks where the husband doesn't have classes so we wrote down a few things we'd like to do. And since we're fans of Seinfeld we named these weeks "The Summer of George". Cause we're dorks like that.

Our list doesn't include Frolf or reading a book (we do that all the time). Here's some of the things:

- Giants game

-Utah (already crossed off )

- Yosemite

- Kirby Cove

- Farmers Markets

and some others. How's your summer going? 


Shared on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 14:03

Shout out

 To Stryker927 for making the awesome banner that now hangs at the top of my blog 

Thanks man! 

Tomorrow I'm flying back home (aka Salt Lake City, UT) with the kiddo and staying for a few days. Wish me luck! (on the flying part with a 3 year old, and yes, I have plenty of new toys to entertain him)


Live long and prosper, bitches!


Shared on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 14:03

Shout out

 To Stryker927 for making the awesome banner that now hangs at the top of my blog 

Thanks man! 

Tomorrow I'm flying back home (aka Salt Lake City, UT) with the kiddo and staying for a few days. Wish me luck! (on the flying part with a 3 year old, and yes, I have plenty of new toys to entertain him)


Live long and prosper, bitches!


Shared on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 16:35

Playing with... others?

Of course this is not news anymore, Halo: Reach Beta came out last week. And it's awesome.

The new part for me is that the only way to play this game is to get matched with people, lots of people. Strangers, I should say. I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to play like that. I have several Live multi player games but I guess I'm a loner. Because if I suck at playing the game I don't want others to see how bad I am ;)


Shared on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 16:35

Playing with... others?

Of course this is not news anymore, Halo: Reach Beta came out last week. And it's awesome.

The new part for me is that the only way to play this game is to get matched with people, lots of people. Strangers, I should say. I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to play like that. I have several Live multi player games but I guess I'm a loner. Because if I suck at playing the game I don't want others to see how bad I am ;)


Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 14:55


I realized that I've been a member of 2o2p for almost a year and I have not blogged once. So here goes nothing I guess.

I want to name this blog 'Your Health is Low', because that was my first game on the 360 console that I played. Fable: The Lost Chapters was my first. Sniff!

But I don't know how to change the title or that lame default banner at the top. Help, anyone?


Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 14:55


I realized that I've been a member of 2o2p for almost a year and I have not blogged once. So here goes nothing I guess.

I want to name this blog 'Your Health is Low', because that was my first game on the 360 console that I played. Fable: The Lost Chapters was my first. Sniff!

But I don't know how to change the title or that lame default banner at the top. Help, anyone?

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