Second Montlhy CPD Scheduled for July 21st


Shared on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 07:06

The staff of 2old2play have been working dilligently to build on the success of the Community Play Date organized byt Mike James last month. With the goal of creating a monthly event where the members of 2old2play can gather, socialize and have a great night of gaming, we are proud to announce the second event on Tuesday, July 21st from 8 - 11 pm (CST). We will have many rooms set up spanning a list of several game titles, currently including Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Red Faction: Guerilla, COD 4 & W@W, Forza 2, Rainbow 6, Left 4 Dead & Texas Hold Em (XBLA). Head on over to the official thread below for more details and be sure to post a replay in that thread if you would like to see another game featured or if you want to host a room of your own.

This is a great opportunity for new members of 2old2play to get to know others on the site and make connections to help fill out (or as is usually the case MAX out) your friends list. The CPD offers a low-key, fun environment for gaming and interacting with your fellow 2old2play'ers.

Just Confirmed - Several members from the Harmonix-based band Oxytocin ( will be joining us for this event. If you have not heard of Oxytocin, check out Waterborn's blog for a write-up on one of their recent concerts or visit their site to download their first CD entirely for FREE. The Oxytocin crew are avid gamers and a great group of folks, so join them for a night of gaming, talking smack and good ole video game fun.


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