FLEX's blog


Shared on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 03:06

Tis mothers day

This ones for you Mom for all the crap you put up with over the years.  The back talk ,trouble making, drinking, lying, cheating, stealing....well i could just go on and on but why?  Today is your day Mom so I promise, only 4 hours of COD today.


Love You Mom



Shared on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 03:06

Tis mothers day

This ones for you Mom for all the crap you put up with over the years.  The back talk ,trouble making, drinking, lying, cheating, stealing....well i could just go on and on but why?  Today is your day Mom so I promise, only 4 hours of COD today.


Love You Mom



Shared on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 16:18

As long as I'm ranting

Double XP this weekend in COD Black Ops


Shared on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 15:36

MASS EFFECT 3 Delayed til 1st qtr 2012







Shared on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 15:33

The Sony PSN debacle

Up till now I have reserved judgement on the whole Sony/PSN thing. I was even interviewed on my local news station and didn't slam Sony then. (the link is http://kstp.com/article/stories/S2083307.shtml?cat=0?video=YHI&t=a you can view my ugly mug in real live action!!) I thought I'd wait until all the turds hit the toliet so to speak before I said anything. Well They did hit the toliet and hard so I flushed the whole fu#*ing mess.


Shared on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 10:40

Duke Nukem Delayed again

Yes duke fans once again we will be pushed back and have to wait an additional month and a half to get our hands on the lengendary almost mythical Duke. Let's hope gearbox has the sense to cut loose a demo or beta or something so we at least know it all aint just a bunch of crap.




Shared on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 10:40

Duke Nukem Delayed again

Yes duke fans once again we will be pushed back and have to wait an additional month and a half to get our hands on the lengendary almost mythical Duke. Let's hope gearbox has the sense to cut loose a demo or beta or something so we at least know it all aint just a bunch of crap.




Shared on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 19:29

I think my eyes are bleeding

Splitting my time between Bulletstorm and Killzone3 has left me happy but cross eyed.  While the MP in KZ3 is not COD it is awesome quality.  The characters in bulletstorm are fun to listen to.  I might be going blind from non-stop play.  Either way sleep might be a good thing.... Nahhh


Shared on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 19:29

I think my eyes are bleeding

Splitting my time between Bulletstorm and Killzone3 has left me happy but cross eyed.  While the MP in KZ3 is not COD it is awesome quality.  The characters in bulletstorm are fun to listen to.  I might be going blind from non-stop play.  Either way sleep might be a good thing.... Nahhh


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 06:37

Dead Space 2: What a rush

Dead Space 2 is beyond scary.  It brings fear to a whole new level.  Still think Silent Hill is creppeier but Dead Space 2 has arrived.

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