Waster Jericho's blog

Waster Jericho

Shared on Sat, 02/28/2015 - 15:25

The Cycle

Fine Saturday fellow gamers. Taking a quick break and snack time before I rumble once more. Sitting on my ass for this broken ankle  to recover, has given me more time to game, and the chance to notice a trend. Do you ever find you want to play just one type of game at times and nothing else?


Waster Jericho

Shared on Fri, 01/30/2015 - 11:13


"Be carefeul what one wishes for it may indeed come that way." In days past I'd dream of all my days off, digging through mountains of pizza boxes to find that bloody missing controler or remote. Yes, those would be the days annd I wished post hast for them to ring the doorbell announcing this was indeed the day. That morning I did not feel quite well and when a sweat broke out doing nothing more that sipping my morning coffee, Houston did have a problem. I got dressed and went to the doctor. By now it was like a tank was parked on my chest.

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