Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 12:47F**k You March!
“Rain on Me!” The Who
As the saying goes, March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion... and I’m ready to shoot the %@!$ lion with a bazooka.... Freaking lions.
If you read my last blog, you know about the boy at my daughter’s school who died. Well it doesn’t end there. The hits just keep on coming.
My wife’s friend died this last week. She was only 45. I can’t even describe how hard this has been on my wife. She and her friend hadn’t known each other very long, 6-8 months, but they were truly kindred spirits and had become close in that short time. They were the type of friends who would get into fits of giggles over the silliest things to the point of their sides hurting and tears rolling. Her sister and niece flew out here from the Midwest yesterday and are trying to get everything done by Sunday morning before they fly home. My wife and I are trying to help them as much as possible. (Anyone in the SF bay area want to adopt a cat? Just PM me, and I am serious) the first memorial is tonight. We will miss you.
On top of everything else, my wife’s parents’ health is not doing so well. Her dad has had this weird thing over the last month where he’d start slurring his speech during meals. This originally only happened while he was eating, then it started happening randomly throughout the day and now if he is talking for more than 5-10 minutes it happens. It has also gotten progressively worse to the point where he cannot form words. He went to his doctor who sent him to a neurologist. The neurologist diagnosed him with Myasthenia Gravis. For the lay people out there, a progressive muscle paralysis that works its way from the head down. There are a few possible causes of this (I won’t go into those yet) He gets an MRI and CT scan this next week, of course this happens while we are on the road to my parents’ house for Spring Break. We will know more when we get the results.
I won’t be sad to see this month end.
- A_Burn's blog
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 20:51
Submitted by ken71 on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 13:04