Killin' Time on a Friday


Shared on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:05
Well, I didn’t stay up late as planned last night. I wanted to get into work early so I was in bed once again before ten. It kind of worked out, because the Geezer clan night with Profanity was rescheduled. Besides, I only got one invite and when I accepted, the party had already moved into matchmaking. I’m kind of surprised I even got one invite since I’ve become something of a Halo hermit over the past year. I need to get better about sending out and accepting invites. I’m not real sure what the hesitation is, because I used to be all about gaming with people from the site. Somewhere along the line, I moved away from it. There are a couple of people I just don’t like gaming with (covered more below), but for the most part it’s not like I’ve had a bad experience with a group or anything like that. Part of it may be the times I play. When I first got into Halo I worked second shift and would often play late at night. Now, I work a regular shift and I tend to be done playing when most people are just getting warmed up. Oh well, I’ll work it out. Besides, I’m sure my fellow Geezers would hit me up with an invite if I asked for one. They’re a great group of people.*
Speaking of people, I think I’ve been lucky when it comes to the people I’ve gamed with the past couple of years. I’m definitely not the most active gamer on the site (not even close), but I’ve gamed with quite a few people the last 2+ years. There’s only two people that I just don’t like gaming with.** I haven’t had any kind of incident with either one of these people; I just don’t like their personalities and the way they act. One of them is conceited, obnoxious, and a whiner. Sometimes I can stomach gaming with him/her for a little bit. I’ve known people like this in real life and can tolerate them in small doses. However, I try to avoid the second person as much as I can. He/she just seems to look for conflict, which by itself isn’t a bad thing. I surf the message boards once in awhile looking for a flame war just because it’s entertaining. The difference is, I don’t jump into the middle of it. This person jumps into the middle of the conflict and tries to make it about them. It’s like they need to have as much attention as they can get. In many of the conflicts I’ve seen on the message boards, this person thrusts themselves into the thick of things. I try not to read the message posts he/she puts on the site, but it’s like trying to avoid looking at an accident. Your eyes are just kind of drawn to the carnage. Being in a game lobby with this person is even worse. They have a tendency to try and take control of the party, boss people around, and not follow the rules of custom games. The best thing about this person is that if they are ignored long enough, they leave to go and get attention elsewhere. Admittedly (and oddly enough) this person seems to be fairly popular on the site, so maybe its just me.***
Okay, I was going to complain about a few other things, but in the middle of it my coworkers sprung a surprise birthday party on me. We just had cheesecake, chocolate cake, and ice cream. I even got presents! Pretty cool. Now I’m in to good of a mood to keep complaining. I hope everybody has a great weekend!****
*Rat bastards
**I only bring it up because controversy makes for a good read
***Yeah, right. The rest of you are just deluded
****Except for the people I was talking about earlier. And mean people. And Rock.


UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 15:07
+1 for non-specific drama narrarative!
JDSourMash's picture
Submitted by JDSourMash on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 16:47
Sorry to hear you feel that way, man, I guess I'll try to be nicer when you are in the room. We all know what an attention whore I am! LOL but seriously, I agree with Unwashed, I read through the whole thing wondering who you could possibly be talking about, how about a PM with the names? I won't tell...promise! HAHAHA

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