Quick personal update


Shared on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 13:43
After several months of being separated, and two months of living in CA (while she stayed behind in OK), my wife decided that she does want to persue a divorce.  It was the conclusion that I have suspected for a while, but it still wasn't fun to have verbalized and made real.  On the other hand, it is good to have some direction at long last, no more waiting and no more questions.  Just time to move on.

My grandmother had a nightmare the other day, where she thought a friend of hers from high school was in her room while Granny was lying in bed.  She was holding a pair of scissors and said "I've been thinking of killing someone."  The dream was so real to Granny that she called Ken and had him come over because she thought she had an intruder in the house.  Her relaying of this story at dinner on Sunday reminded me of a bad dream that my wife had a while back.  I remember the details of the dream (though I'll not bring them up, as it's not the content that's important), but it was the dream itself that made her scream in her sleep.  A loud shriek that woke me.  It's a sound that I'll always remember.  It made me think about how I'm not there to comfort her, not there to take care of her the way I promised I would be when we got married.  I think that's the saddest part.  I don't know that she'll be taken care of, and I can only hope that this decision is the best thing for her.  I know I'll worry, and that will be pointless.

Knowing what lies ahead for us, I can now make plans for myself.  While it's sad, it's also pretty exciting.  My life can go in any direction.  Good times.


codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 13:46
That settles it, you should move to New England and I can show you how to game on a PC. CodeMonkey
Agonizing_Gas's picture
Submitted by Agonizing_Gas on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 13:56
lol, great idea Code. Hadn't ever pictured myself on the East Coast or New England. I hadn't pictured myself in Oklahoma either, so you never know.
Rock's picture
Submitted by Rock on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 14:01
East Coast roxxors! Glad you are at least getting some closure and a chance to seek direction and plan. Sometimes (most times for me) not knowing sucks more than the bad news. Good to see you online playing a little halo over the weekend, look forward to more games in the future. Rock

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