Shared on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 11:10So last night I was boring the mess out of my wife talking about all the goings on at E3. M$ big announcements about this and that, and especially about streaming/downloading Netflix movies. The wifey proceeds to ask me if all the movies from Netflix would be available in HD. I told her I was pretty sure they wouldn't be, at least not initially(truthfully, I have no idea). So she starts going on and on about how much she enjoys watching stuff in HD and how she hates that all of our channels from Dish are not in HD and how she wishes we could watch movies we rented in HD. Holy Crap! OPEN DOOR!!!!!
We have looked at Blu-Ray players several times and have decided together that they are not worth the cost, at least right now. After she made that comment, I again mentioned Blu-Ray players and she again noted the cost and how she doesn't want to pay $400-$500 for one that could be obsolete in 3-5 years due to updates in firmware, etc. So, I casually mention the PS3 (for the third or fourth time) and it having a Blu-Ray player as well as online capabilities and the capability to regulalry update through the PSN.
Low and behold, I think it worked. I've spent the last 3 months pumping her up about the need to get a Blu-Ray to be able to truly appreciate watching movies on our new(ish) TV. I have also spent the past few months going on and on about firmware updates for stand alone Blu-Ray players and the constantly changing technology and the need to have one that can adapt to the changing technology(isert casual mention of the PS3 here). A dash of truth mixed in with a lot of smoke. I think all my work has finally paid off. The wifey just texted me here at work with a link to an Ebay auction for a PS3 that ends in a day or so and is still below $150. We won't be getting one from Ebay. But at least she is spending her free time at work looking for a PS3.
Dadgummit I am good. I think. Knowing her she just wants to do this for me and is letting me think I am that good to pump up my ego.
Don't let your wives fool you fellas. Just cause they married you doesn't mean they aren't as conniving as ever. They just use their powers more for good than evil once you reel them in.
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 10:30
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 11:19
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 11:36
Submitted by stang503421 on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 11:59