Day 30 (Or 29)


Shared on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 13:44
According to my wife, my countdown is a little off.  As far as she is concerned, today is day 29 because as of 5 PM on 5/22 we will be on vacation.  I am counting down to 5/23 because that is the day we actually fly out.  A minor detail to say the least, but it is funny to me how adamant she is that today is day 29. 

I spent last night ripping cd's and filling up the MP3 player.  Tonight I will continue ripping DVD's and encoding them to fit on the Zune.  For those of you with a Zune, and that would like to add DVD movies or shows to it, I highly highly recommend Cucsoft's DVD to Zune software.  It is extremely effective and beyond easy to use.  Install the software, click a few buttons, and the software does the rest.  I've even figured out how to cue jobs on it so I can get it up and running and then just leave it alone.  The only real problem with it is the same problem you would have with any application like this, it eats tons of RAM and pretty well kills a low end video card.  RAM is not an issue on my home made comp- 2 gig dual channel.  But when I built it a few years ago I skimped on the video card and am now paying the price for that.  Oh well.  I can at least set the program up with jobs in the cue and let it run all night (since I have two DVD input sources).

On a totally different note, I ordered me a new surround system last night.  The wifey put me on an extremely tight budget for this, so I was strongly considering putting it off.  But, she informed me this budget would not change, regardless of how much money we had left after our trip.  "Why can you not just use the TV speakers?"  Enough said.  So here is what I ended up getting:

Amazingly good deals for a very decent system.  Plus I had enough leftover to get new speaker wire and a couple of higher end HDMI cables.  Now if the price point on Boo-Ray players will just drop about $75, I'll have enough leftover to pick one of those up as well.  I think I have a better shot at convincing the wifey of the necessity of one of those, though.  She actually greatly appreciates the difference between the SD channels and HD channels we have and has noted how much better movies look in HD whenever I convince her to go in to Best Buy with me.

And on another totally different note, today has been beyond brutal at work.  A kid's mom made some allegations against us and some of our staff.  Totally and completely unfounded, but it still makes for a stressful day when the State shows up asking questions and demanding all kinds of paperwork.  I'll complain more about that in another blog.  For now, I am just glad they are gone and convinced nothing bad is going on.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 18:19
Well good thing you did your research with the budget you were on.
BROCK78's picture
Submitted by BROCK78 on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 15:17
Aimzb, you can can't go wrong with Onkyo man. I picked up the HKS600 or something like that (1000w total) around Xmas time and it sounds phenominal in a fairly large room. I just wish I didn't have attached housing so I could really cut that baby loose and bang the drums!!

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