Memories of Philly


Shared on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 19:05
Its hard to believe one week ago tonight I was packing up my bag getting ready to take a road trip to Philly for one of the best weekends I have had in a long time.  I am sure most people have seen the pics, or even the video posted by PnB, but those don't tell the whole story of this weekend.

At first I admit I was nervous to go.  I do tend to be the shy, quiet person when I first get to a new area, but for some reason, I felt like I wasn't at a LAN, but more like an extension of XBL, except without a headset or my own bed.  Of course, the arrival got off to about as bad of a start as possible, as joking with a couple of the Orphans about a big old patch of ice, I slip and bust my ass on a small one.  Everybody thought I was out of comission and we were going to see one of Philly's finest hospitals, but no way was I missing this weekend once I got there.  Luckilly it was only a bruised ego I suffered.

The crew there was great.  It was great seeing some of the Geezers, some of whom I have been playing with for almost two years.  I was disappointed Capt. Rock wasn't there, but he was there in spirit as the accusations of modding were rampart throughout the LAN room, a trademark of my battles with the overlord of the Geezers.  One thing about a LAN compared to XBL, you have to be able to take it as good as you can dish it out, as in a LAN, you are spending more than 10 minutes.  I had some good barter going with a few guys there, when I decided to take my headphones off and quit listening to music while playing.  But there was a great group of guys playing Halo, having fun with Papa Hamster, Stridog, Medic, Vinnie2K and all the WG who made the trip, and the non-stop screaming of "Bullshit" was hilarious, even though I was guilty of it myself.

This was my first time sleeping in a hotel, so I didn't know what to expect.  The beds could have been a little more comfortable, as the 2 hours Sunday AM I spent sleeping on the LAN room floor made me feel better than the 3 hours Sat AM I spent bunking in my room.  Next time, I think I will just ask somebody if I can use their room to store my clothes and take a shower and clean myself up.  I know its sad, but I am cheap, and if the beds suck that bad again, I will sleep in the LAN room next year.  The hotel itself was very unimpressive.  They changed our LAN room around, and stuck us in an area under construction.  I didn't realize hotel food was expensive. I figured some pancakes for breakfast would be reasonable, but 8.99 plus tax is something I wasn't expecting.  I felt like they should have maybe stuck a gun to my head and robbed me, as that would be a much more effective way of getting money from me.

Saturday night was the most interesting night at the hotel.  On the opposite end of us, a local radio station was having an anniversary for one of their DJ's.   The high comedy comes from a few hours after the party starts, and seeing the drunk girls coming to the bathroom, which was next to our LAN room, and trying to guess if they could make it back to their party without falling on their ass.  I seen many a people that night use the walls as a walker.

The Warcraft people were probably the most hardcore people there.  BUM and One Evil pulled an all nighter Friday night, and as the LAN room got too cold, moved their playing to the hallway to get their WoW fixes.

Sunday was fun but sad.  It was sad because as we were taking pics, saying our goodbyes and packing the room up, it felt more like 2 hours than 2 days.  Fun because when you drive down with two Warcrack addicts, well, you never know what will happen, like getting into the Conn. border and going on a quest at 8 O'clock at night for The Burning Crusades expansion pack.  We found a Target open, a quick detour later, and we are hooking up laptops while driving to install the software.  BUM and Snafu were like kids on Christmas Morning.  And thinking of the names for these new characters, such funny names like "Priest from Mass" and "Father Porter" for a new priest character might have been the funniest yet most evil thing I have ever heard.

Anyway, if you ever have a chance to go to a 2o2p LAN party, do it!  I saved up 4 months to go on this trip, and after 12 hours of riding with 3 other gamers, about 50 hours of gaming and 4 hours of sleeping over a three day holiday weekend, it was well worth it.  I am thinking about Chicago, if the start align, I can get the time off and the money to take the flight.


Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 19:37
start saving now...chicago is bigger and badder.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 21:25
I'll see ya in Chicago bro........and I'll buy the pancakes. :)
SNAFU5293's picture
Submitted by SNAFU5293 on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 22:10
What a f'n great weekend....Ride home was funny sh!t....Do not forget watching WoW PvP on BUM laptop at 2am and the WoW South Park epi on Retro's 360.... MORE HOT POCKETS

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