41/2 Weeks


Shared on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 21:10

360 dies. I wait a week to get the box. It takes 5 days to get to TX. I have no way to track the status of repair as I did not note my serial #. E-mail says 4-6 weeks for processing.


Add 4-5 days for return shipping and I was looking at over 2 months. Thats 2 months of forfeited Live and 2 Months of Gamefly and 2 months of having to spend time with my wife!!! Life is so much easier when she shops and I play games.

I called repeatedly and could never get anyone after holding forever. NEVER replying to my e-mails. 1 trip to the BBB and I get a call from Microsoft 2 days later telling me th re expediing my repairs and I should have a tracking number in less than 7 days after they have received my box. WTF?????

This is the most messed up thing about America. The bigger the @$$ the bigger the reward?

I finally realized it is not Timmy's fault, he is just getting prepared for the commercial world.




C:   <Enter>:   ###


CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Wed, 07/25/2007 - 07:09
Interesting. I received a tracking number from UPS when I dropped it off at the Brown store. The 4-6 weeks processing time included the shipping time and it was actually a little under 4 weeks, but that is probably because from whatever problem they found they just replaced the box. My biggest beef was all the time spent on the phone with Max getting our box...and afterwords getting our MS points back to get our arcade games on the new system (that took a month). Oh and we kept our hard drive so we could rent another box over the weekend and still play. I am sure that the company wouldn't recommend people to keep their hard drive in case that is the problem but it worked for us.

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