I have to be able to kick somebodies ass


Shared on Sat, 08/09/2008 - 23:58

Are there people out there you just want to kick in the nuts? I mean I am not some angry shitball that lurks in darks corners and tries to trip grannys as they walk by...HELL NO I am not that guy but some people get my goat....they are and not limited to


1. The fucking 17 years old xbox 360 player who has just enough ball droppage to sound like an adult and replys very agrily to getitng his ass handed to him in COD4 (Fuck you)

2. The guy sho steals you spot when you are waiting for somone at the gas pump (FUCK YOU)

3. The guy who SHITS all over the gas station toilet and who has soo many evil demons in him they stilll linger for HOURS untill you get there (Fuck you)

4. The guy or laddy who sits on their phone at a 4 way stop (Fuck you I will kick you in the face and fist fuck you with that cell phone....oh hi...yes its your turn here I will wave.. go ahead now...bu bye now :( )

5. The guys who invented the xbox 360 startup green globe of boring (Fuck you and here is your stapler)

6. The evil bastard son of satan who invented LAG...yes LAG I say fuck you for all of us who bane in frusteration and have nothing better to do but pick our got damn nose and wipe it behind our ears....yes fuck you


WELP thats all the fuck yous I can think of...feel pretty good doesnt it now that you read somone fucking others...well fuck you too and while I am chasing you please enjoy the soft music and look down


Holy shit I almost forgot...who the fuck invented the phrase ..(Snort) Are you working hard or hardly working.....FUCK YOU you repeating bastard who cant remember they said this to me already like 5 fucking years ago and it wasnt funny then so if you say it again I will work on

A. Your uncle (you rememebr this bastard who touched your heiney when you were 8 and wanted you to play squeeze the hot dog...well I am going to give it to him hard with sand until you feel sorry for him)

B. The boss who fired you from that job you loved cause it wasnt your fault (Yep I am going to take him to dairy queen and video tape it and mail it to you..eat it beech)

C. Your pet goldfish....I am going to have a little chinese woman paint a PISSED OFF face on your gold fish so whenever you talk dumb to your fish you will know how dumb you are

D. Laugh yes laugh histerically the next time you say that to me and keep laughing so you get the fucking point that its funny as shit and move on...



Now anough about my antics more about your anty

I am going to bed now soo....SWEET DREAMS


MyHeadsaTarget's picture
Submitted by MyHeadsaTarget on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 00:36
The girl going up the steps. I want the girl going up the steps. Thank you for your blog and keep up the great work.
JohnnyBoyFloyd's picture
Submitted by JohnnyBoyFloyd on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 09:43
Blastoid is a turd nugget.
MyHeadsaTarget's picture
Submitted by MyHeadsaTarget on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 15:49
Blastoid post pictures that I enjoy. Leave him alone Johnny!

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