Reality sets in


Shared on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 14:31

I believe undoubtably that I am the craziest person on this planet including this website. I also believe I am the most honest. I had a Air liner pilot stop by my business today. I asked him a couple questions about his job and we laughed about him not being married and having a frequent flyers card at the free clinic. What a hoot that guys was. I believe that when your not under economic pressures you act much more like a actualy human being and will probly live much longer. So I am throwing away my $1.25 on this Mountain dew in hopes that I can still talk without whistling after my teeth are rotted out from the acid and sugar in the soda...



thanks you MT Dew...can I have another


My heart also goes out to Total care toothpaste which had a substrate engineered by 3M here in MN that kept the bonding of certian sugars from the outside of your teeth and yet nobody seems to care and its only called total care.....LOL



And now...boobs





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